- renal diabetid 肾性糖 尿病
- People with renal diseases have to eat salt-free foods. 患有肾脏疾病的人只能吃不含盐的食物。
- There is no past history of renal involvement. 没有肾脏病的既往史。
- The white arrow marks a renal vein thrombus. 白色的箭头指示肾静脉血栓。
- Lateral renal malrotation is relatively uncommon. 摘要侧面肾脏异常旋转是相当少见。
- Of or relating to the kidneys; renal. 肾的肾的或与之相关的;肾部的
- Early renal tumors are asymtoma-tic. 早期肾肿痛没有明显症状。
- Patients with adequate renal and hepatic function. 病人有足够的肾肝功能。
- What can renal disease patients eat? 肾脏疾病患者可以吃什么?
- Renal biopsy revealed acute tubular necrosis. 肾活检 3例均为急性肾小管坏死。
- Is oliguria a sign of renal hypoperfusion? 1少尿的定义是什么?
- Renal lesions aggravated when stegnosis longer. 出现组织纤维化。
- He is a renal transplant recipient. 他是一位肾移植患者。
- Renal capsular lipoma and internal lipoma are rare. 肾包膜脂瘤及肾脂肪瘤均为少见病例。
- Could Uric Acid Have a Role in Acute Renal Failure? 尿酸是否在急性肾功能衰竭中发挥作用?
- The single pyramid projects well into the renal pelvis. 单个锥体明显凸入肾盂。
- Death usually results from hepatic or renal failure. 常因肝脏或肾脏衰竭而导致死亡。
- The renal lision of crotalid envenomation is a glomerulonephritis. 响尾蛇科蛇毒中毒的肾脏损害为肾小球肾炎。
- Lymphoma initially presented as a renal mass in this case. 本例肾淋巴瘤最初表现为肾脏肿块。
- There were58 cases of death due to drug-related renal failure. 出现频率较高的为庆大霉素47例及利福平36例;肾衰致死共58例。