- Job of staff of a few pinchbeck remove furniture is coarse, throw bad furniture electric equipment. 一些冒牌搬场人员工作粗糙,摔坏家具电器。
- "Pinchbeck masses remove furniture " be full of search engine, consumer is deceived ceaselessly, this lets company of card masses remove furniture is very indignant. “冒牌大众搬场”充斥着搜索引擎,消费者不断上当受骗,这让正牌大众搬场公司十分愤怒。
- Baidu respect did not fulfil afore-mentioned obligation of advertisement promulgator lawfully apparently, formed tort to company of masses remove furniture from this. 百度方面显然没有依法履行广告发布者的上述义务,由此对大众搬场公司构成了侵权。
- Mary Ann Smith watches as an eviction team removes furniture from her foreclosed house February 2, 2009 in Adams County, Colorado. 玛丽安史密斯作为驱逐队手表去除家具没收她的房子2009年2月2日在亚当斯县。
- He made manful efforts to move the heavy furniture. 他作出勇敢的努力搬动沉重的家具。
- She bought a set of furniture on easy terms. 她以分期付款的方式买了一套家具。
- The furniture in the room was placed askew. 屋子里的家俱摆得歪歪斜斜。
- We will buy some furniture for our new house. 我们得给我们的新房子买些家具。
- Genius is but one remove from insanity. 天才与疯狂之间只有毫厘之差。
- Let's rearrange the furniture in the room. 我们来重新布置一下房间里的家具。
- Flour is bolted to remove the bran. 面粉经筛选去掉麦麸。
- For openers we'll get rid of this old furniture. 我们首先要把这些旧家具搬走。
- If the ink sinks in it'll be hard to remove it. 如果墨水渗入,要除去就很困难。
- The curtains blend in perfectly with the furniture. 窗帘(的颜色)跟家具(的颜色)十分和谐。
- The antique furniture was made in 1700. 这件古老的家具是1700年制造的。
- Remove the motor when you lay up your boat. 船闲置不用时,你要把发动机拆下来。
- The bedroom was overcrowded with furniture. 这间卧室的家具堆挤得太多。
- I use the floor cleaner to remove grease. 我用地板除垢剂清除油污。
- An operation is needed to remove your tonsil. 需要进行手术摘除你的扁桃体。
- They sell new and used furniture. 他们出售新旧家具。