- removal of algae and turbidity 除藻脱浊
- The main removal mechanism of ammonia-N was nitrification, assimilation of algae and volatilization, and phosphorus removal was mainly depended on precipitation. 冬季水力停留时间的延长对保障系统的整体运行效果是有效的。
- The advances in the control and removal of algae in eutrophic raw water for potable water supply at home and abroad are reviewed in the present paper. 摘要综述了富营养化的供水原水中,藻类控制与去除方法的国内外研究进展。
- Comparison between removals of algae and odor by coagulation and enhanced coagulation of potassium permanganate and its composite chemical 高锰酸钾及其复合药剂强化混凝除藻除嗅对比
- It was indicated from the experiments that: ozone can effectively oxidize organics, kill alga and disinfect; and two-phases ozonization can accelerate the removal of contaminants in conventional treatment process and GAC. 试验结果表明:在中试工艺中,臭氧具有很好的氧化、杀藻和消毒的作用;并且两级臭氧氧化分别对常规处理单元和颗粒活性炭去除污染物具有一定的促进作用。
- The biological characteristics of algae, and the prevention and removal of the contamination by algae in the production of barreled mineral water for drinking are described in the paper. 介绍了藻类的生物特性,阐述了桶装饮用矿泉水在生产过程中藻类微生物的污染以及藻类污染的防治。
- Abstract: The biological characteristics of algae, and the prevention and removal of the contamination by algae in the production of barreled mineral water for drinking are described in the paper. 摘要: 介绍了藻类的生物特性,阐述了桶装饮用矿泉水在生产过程中藻类微生物的污染以及藻类污染的防治。
- These materials cause an overgrowth of algae and further deterioration, including oxygen depletion. 这些元素导致藻类的过快生长和进一步的恶化,包括水中氧气的耗竭。
- The outermost layer of a spore in some algae and fungi. 孢子外壁某些水藻和真菌孢子的最外层壁
- Surgical removal of part or all of the uterus. 子宫切除术将子宫的全部或部分通过外科手术切除
- Lichen is a simple plant, which comes from symbiotic growth of algae and epiphyte. 青苔是一种浅根植物,是藻类和真菌共生形成的一种低等植物。
- A motile, flagellated asexual spore, as of certain algae and fungi. 游动孢子可游动的、有鞭毛的无性孢子,如某些海藻和真菌中
- Distribution of copper among intracellular and extracellular of alga and influences of EDTA and fulvic acid (FA) were discussed. 讨论了铜在淡水藻 (Scenedesmussubspicatus 86.;81SAG)细胞壁和细胞内分布规律;以及乙二胺四乙酸 (EDTA)和水体腐殖酸 (FA)存在下对铜分布的影响
- Removal of the bottom plug and spring assembly. 拆卸底部塞和弹簧总成。
- The hydrocarbons in this area were a mixture of anthropogenic inputs detritus organic inputs from land and in situ production of algae and bacteria. 在细颗粒沉积物中得到富集.;这些烃类主要来自于石油烃,也含有来自陆源高等植物和现场生物的烃类
- Surgical removal of all or part of a lung. 肺切除术,肺部分切除术对整个或部分肺的外科手术切除
- It is characterized by the appearance of algae and a proliferation of marine invertebrate animal forms, but no true plants. 特征是藻类的出现和海洋无脊椎动物的繁盛,但该时期没有出现真正的植物。
- He consented to the removal of the flags. 他同意撤走旗帜。
- Chitosan is material from deacetylation of chitin,which from arthropod,coelenterate,annelids,protozoans,part of algae and fungi. 壳聚糖是来源于节肢、肠腔、环节、原生动物及海藻和真菌类的甲壳素类物质脱去乙酰基的产物。