- A small communication jammer, usually employed as a piece of equipment on some RPV(remotely piloted vehicle), is increasingly important. 设计了小型无人机机载通信干扰机的控制系统。
- Medium Range Remotely Piloted Vehicle 中程遥控(无人)驾驶飞行器
- Miniature Remotely Piloted Vehicle 小型遥控(无人驾驶)飞行器
- Multiple Remotely Piloted Vehicle Control System 遥控飞行器多路控制系统
- Modular Multi-Mission Remotely Piloted Vehicle 模式多用途遥控飞行器
- Short-Range Remotely Piloted Vehicle 近程遥控飞行器
- Advanced Multi-Mission Remotely Piloted Vehicle 高级多用途遥控无人驾驶飞机
- The Contour Design and Test Studyfor a Low RCS Remotely Piloted Vehicle 低RCS无人驾驶飞行器的外形设计与实验研究
- Interim Multi-Mission Remotely Piloted Vehicles 临时多任务遥控飞行器
- remotely piloted vehicles (unmanned aerial vehicle) navigation 无人机导航
- Remote Piloted Vehicle Experiment 遥控飞行器实验
- Shipboard Tactical Airborne Remote Piloted Vehicle 舰载战术空中遥控飞行器
- Stratosphere Remote Piloted Vehicle Data 平流层远距操纵飞行器数据中继系统
- Study of horizontal navigation and control for mini remotely piloted vehicles 小型无人机水平导航控制研究
- An Integrated GPS/DR Navigation System for Mini Remotely Piloted Vehicles 小型无人机GPS/航程推算组合导航系统研究
- remotely piloted vehicle 遥控载具
- remotely piloted vehicle (RPV) 遥控飞行器
- Mini Remotely Piloted Vehicle 微型遥控飞行器
- and "...one of them gave up to an rpv [remotely piloted vehicle). here's this guy with his hands up, turning in a circle to give himself up to a model airplane with a camera in it. 这家伙举着手,绕着一架装有摄像头的模型飞机转圈;示意投降.
- ";and "...one of them gave up to an rpv [remotely piloted vehicle). here's this guy with his hands up, turning in a circle to give himself up to a model airplane with a camera in it. 这家伙举着手,绕着一架装有摄像头的模型飞机转圈;示意投降.