- remedial engineering measures 防治工程措施
- Hungr, O., 1984, Quantitative Analysis of Debris Flow Torrent Hazards for Design of Remedial Engineering, Can.Geotech.J., 21, pp. 663-667. 谢明霖,2002,921地震灾区土石流危险溪流之群集分析与发生趋势变化研究,硕士论文,国立成功大学,水利暨海洋工程研究所,台南。
- For the goal of remedying the river ecosystem,engineering measures for integrated pollution control are also discussed. 指出城市河道水环境综合整治要体现人与自然和谐相处的治河新概念,并为深圳市河流水环境的治理提供参考。
- Based on the experiences of foreign countries,the engineering measures used on the decommission are described separately. 在借鉴国外经验的基础上,对铀尾矿库退役治理中通常应采取的工程措施分别作了阐述。
- The creeping mechanism and site monitoring data are analysed, and some engineering measures have been taken to stop the sliding. 通过分析其蠕滑机理和现场监测资料提出了今后防治该山坡蠕滑宜采取的措施。
- So, it is necessary to adopt the biological and engineering measures to solve soil and water loss problems in the Dasha River. 因此,在大沙河流域采用生物和工程措施治理水土流失是非常重要的。
- The study is hoped to make a reference for the similar project by the combination of botanic measures and engineering measures. 通过植物措施与工程措施的有机结合,有效地防止水土流失。
- Grouting technology, as one of common and important engineering measures, has been widely used in the reinforcement treatment and anti-seepage of the dam foundation. 摘要灌浆技术作为水工建筑物地基处理中常用和重要的工程措施,在大坝坝基防渗和加固处理中得到广泛的应用。
- By 2005, China will be integrated environment-water pollution, and through engineering measures for the chemical oxygen demand and ammoniac nitrogen emissions reduced by 10%. 到2005年,中国将对受到污染的水环境进行综合整治,并通过工程措施使化学需氧量和氨氮的排放总量削减10%25。
- The key difference is how search engines measure performance. 关键差别是搜索引擎是如何测量性能的。
- The unique engineering measures and displays watch and chronograph functions with the same full-sized central hands (hour, minute, second) by a simple press on the polished pushbutton crown. 该腕表具有独特的技术措施,只需简单地按压精美的按钮表冠,即可用相同的全尺寸中央表针(时、分、秒针),显示腕表和计时器功能。
- The improvement measures of washout in mountain area consisted of living creature measure and the engineering measure, with their combining, could control the washout. 摘要山区冲刷沟治理措施包括植物措施和工程措施,通过采取二者相结合的方式,能够有效进行冲刷沟的治理,达到共同控制沟发展的效果。
- Try to improve the road conditions through some appropriate engineering measures,consummate traffic safety facilities,add traffic protective facilities,design the sections where it' s ocular distance is not enough in the highway by scientific methods. 通过适当的工程措施努力改善交通运行的道路条件,当务之急是完善交通安全设施,增加交通防护设施,科学规设视距不足路段交通。
- The monitoring plays an important role in control and early warning of the safe operation of the camp,and also provides scientific basis for making a decision on camp site treatment and information-oriented design of engineering measures as well. 监测为营地安全运行起到监控和预警作用,并为场地处理方案决策和工程措施的信息化设计提供科学依据。
- The authors analyzed three soil and water conservation measures: biological measures, engineering measures, tillage measures, which control the dissipative structure of soil erosion. 分析了控制土壤侵蚀耗散结构的生物措施、工程措施、耕作措施等三项水土保持措施。
- Remedial measures should be adopted. 应该采取一些措施。
- By the Analysis of the Water Being Supernutrition,the Countermeasure and Engineering Measure Was brought forward. 本文通过对劳动湖水质富营养化的分析,提出了相应的控制对策及工程措施。
- The problems in design and construction for the water jet grouting curtain process,which is to remedy a plain landfill site,was discussed via the real remediation engineering in Asuwei landfill site. 通过北京市阿苏卫填埋场防渗补救工程实例,探讨了射水造墙技术在平原型垃圾场防渗补救中的设计、施工及注意问题。
- The siltation should be harnessed comprehensively through desilting and control measures, involving water flushing, mechanical desilting, engineering measures, and vegetation measures. 应依据河口淤积特征,全面规划,综合治理。