- Finally,the support system of SFRC has greatly remained strength,which made a significant contribution to improve the security of support and repairing of destroyed support. 最后,喷射钢纤维混凝土支护具有较高的残余强度,这对提高支护的安全性和支护破坏后的修补都是有益的。
- The bitter wind sapped his remaining strength and, with little else to do. 凄厉的寒风消耗了他剩下的一点气力,生活在百无聊赖之中。
- From a strength point of view, FFS can be quantified using the remaining strength factor (RSF). RSF则定义为腐蚀部件的失效载荷与其未腐蚀时的失效载荷之比。
- With his last remaining strength he encouraged the members of his squad and directed their fire.Pvt. 战斗中2等兵波克尔全然不顾自己的安危。
- An assessment system remaining strength of OPPCD was developed based on the advanced assessment standards,including SAPV,R6,PD6493,B31.G,API579. 为从安全性和经济性两方面对在役压力管道缺陷的形态作出可靠的评价,在分析SAPV、R6、PD6493、B31.
- His strength in a crisis is an ace in the hole. 临危不惧是他的看家本领。
- The crew remained free from scurvy. 那些船员仍然没有患坏血病之虞。
- Only the embers of the bonfire remained. 那篝火只有余烬尚存。
- Her face remained expressionless. 她的脸上仍然没有表情。
- Our enthusiasm remained unabated. 我们的热情一如既往。
- Then Mr. Stryver turned and burst out of the Bank, causing such a concussion of air on his passage through, that to stand up against it bowing behind the two counters, required the utmost remaining strength of the two ancient clerks. 于是斯特莱佛先生转过身就往银行外冲了出去。 一路刮起了大风,两个老行员在柜台后站起身来向他鞠躬,竟然竭尽了全力才站稳脚跟。
- I remained up because my uncle had come to see me. 因为我叔叔来看我,所以我一直没有睡。
- He became a clergyman and remained so. 他成为牧师并且一直担任这样的工作。
- The prince remained loyal throughout. 王子自始至终忠贞不渝。
- She remained unconscious for several hours. 她不省人事有好几个小时。
- The long war of attrition exhausted the strength of both countries. 这场长期的消耗战耗尽了两国的力量。
- He remained loyal to me through thick and thin. 他历尽艰辛始终都忠实於我。
- Human life and turnip remain cheap and plentiful. 人命与萝卜依然是多而且便宜。
- He gathered all his strength and swung the axe. 他用尽全力抡起斧头。
- He remained a captive to her beauty. 他始终为她的美貌所迷惑。