- religious social research 宗教社会研究
- I know you've done social research work before so you should have a good idea of the kind of information we want. 我知道你过去搞过社会研究工作,所以,对我们需要的信息你一定很清楚。
- Babbie, Earl R.(1998). The Practice of Social Research, 8th ed. 李美华等(译)。社会科学研究方法上。台北:时英。
- Babbie, E.(1998)The practice of social research, 8th ed. 李华美等译。社会科学研究方法(上、下两册)。台北:时英出版社。
- China now has 2,000 religious social organizations and 48 religious schools and colleges. 中国目前有宗教社会团体有2000多个,宗教院校48所。
- Bryman, A. (2008) Social Research Methods, Oxford: Oxford University Press. 潘中道老师编的“高级社会研究方法”上课补充讲义。
- Professor Robert Beauregard, Milano School of Urban Policy and Management, New School for Social Research. 4研究会造成城市的不宽容、两极化、压制或冲突,在地区、国家与国际的动向。
- Social research nowadays has a practical urgency surpassing even that of cancer research. 当今社会研究的现实迫切性甚至超过对癌症的研究。
- See Notes on How to Apply the International Code of Marketing and Social Research Practice. 参见如何应用营销和社会研究操作的国际标准的说明。
- W. Lawrence Neuman 1997 Social Research Methods:Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches. 朱柔若译,社会研究方法(扬智:2000年)。
- Neuman, W.L.(2000). Social research methods: Qualitative and quantitative approaches. 林生传(2002)。教育研究法。台北:心理。(教科书
- Critical theory began, with the establishment of the institute for Social Research in Frankfurt, Germany. 理论研究随着德国法兰克福社会研究院的成立而展开了。
- W. Lawrence Neuman (1997/2000). Social Research Methods:Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches. 朱柔若(译)。社会研究方法:质化与量化取向。台北:扬智。
- Neuman W. L. (1997/2002). Social Research Methods: Qualitative and Quantitative Approach. 朱柔若(译)。社会研究方法:质化与量化取向。台北:扬智文化。
- Rosenthal, R. (1987). Meta-analytic procedures for social research (2nd ed.). Newbury Park, CA: Sage. 吴明清(民89)。教育研究-基本观念与方法分析(3版)。台北市:五南。
- Richard Suzman, director of the division of behavioral and social research at the National Institute on Aging. 他是国家老年研究中心行为和社会研究分部的主任。
- Neuman, W. L. (2000). Social research methods: Qualitative and quantitative approaches. MA: Allyn &Bacon. 杨孟丽和谢水南译(2003)。教育研究法:研究设计实务。台北市:心理出版社。(教科书
- The priest expounded his religious ideas. 牧师说明自己的宗教思想。
- My religious beliefs don't coincide with yours. 我的宗教信仰跟你的不一样。
- See also Bickman, L. J., and D. J. Rog, eds. Handbook of Applied Social Research Methods. Thousand Oaks: Sage, 1998. 一本有用的涵盖所有类型研究方法的论文辑要。