- He was blacklisted because of his extremist views. 他因观点偏激而被列入黑名单。
- religionary extremist 宗教极端主义
- When it comes to talking about patriotism, he's an extremist. 一谈到爱国主义,他就很偏激。
- I do dislike having her extremist ideas rammed down my throat. 我十分厌恶她强加于我的那些偏激观念。
- The assassin was adjudged an extremist. 那个行刺者被认为是个极端主义分子。
- All staff are vetted for links with extremist groups before being employed. 所有职员录用前均须审查是否与极端分子团体有关。
- It is unlikely that such an extremist organization will remain quiescent for long. 这种过激的组织是不太可能长期沉默的。
- Extremist militias remain a concern. 极端民兵保留关心。
- He was an antislavery extremist. 约翰.;布朗是一位废除奴隶制的极端分子,许多人还认为他是一个疯子。
- Has the party been taken over by extremist s? 该党是否已被极端分子控制?
- Because the religionary authority is not credible any more. 道德怀疑主义对现代性道德证明的批判;
- The religionary enlightenment belongs to non-rational category. 宗教启蒙属于非理性启蒙的范畴。
- At present, due to the impact of terrorism, separatism and extremist as well as the domestic complicated factors, the nationality and religionary conflicts happened very often in the west regions of China. 摘要当前,在国际国内“三股势力”的影响下,与国内诸多因素相交织,我国西部地区民族宗教突发事件发生频繁,群体性增强。
- He is first of all an extremist secondly he is pretty dishonest. 首先他是一个极端主义者;其次他很不诚实。
- I do dislike have her extremist idea ram down my throat. 我十分厌恶她强加于我的那些偏激观念。
- The BBC has become the Aunt Sally of every extremist point of view. 英国广播公司已成为每一个过激观点的攻击对象。
- When it comes to talking about patriotism,he's an extremist. 一谈到爱国主义,他就很偏激。
- The main impulse for the unrest came from extremist Muslims. 动乱的主要动力来自于极端的伊斯兰教徒。
- That extremist group surely has a part in this plot. 这场阴谋一定有那个极端主义团伙参与。
- But extremist thinking is often best confronted on its own terms. 但是极端主义者的想法经常恰好遭遇自身的局限。