- AUC is the most reliable measure of bioavailability. AUC是最可靠的生物利用度指标。
- If the thermometer is in the sun, forget a reliable measurement. 如果温度计在阳光里,用它做的测量便不准确。
- Reliable measurements mean Repeatability,a high precision when the same sample is run in the same lab, by the same technician, using the same equipment. 可靠的检测意味着可重复性,即同样的样本在同一个实验室,同一个技术人员使用同样的仪器进行检测,应具有高的精密度。
- Reliable measurements also mean Reproducibility, a high precision when the same sample is run, with the same assay, in different laboratories, with different technicians and different equipment. 可靠的检测同时也意味着可再现性,当同样的样本使用同样的试剂,在不同的实验室,不同的技术人员使用不同的仪器,也能得到高的精密度数据。
- Absolute dating involves assessing the actual age of a specimen by using some reliable measure to time. 另一种是绝对年龄,通过测量可靠的时间来确定样品的真实年龄。
- Procedures different from those used in adults are necessary for the reliable measurement of blood pressure in children and adolescents. 小儿和青少年测量血压的可靠方法和步骤应与成人不同。
- It is a reliable measuring method of the specific impulse for the high-burning rate propellants. 为高燃速推进剂比冲测试提供了可靠的试验依据。
- The news comes from a reliable source. 这消息来自可靠的来源。
- When measuring a shallow diffused layer at low concentrations, reliable measurement free of noise are difficult to make. 测量低浓度浅扩散层时,无干扰的可靠测量很难实行。
- Still, most experts believe that being of normal weight is an indicator of good health, and that BMI is a reliable measurement. 同时,大多数专家相信,保持一个正常,不偏重不偏瘦的重量是保持健康的有效方法,当然体质检查(mi)字也是一个有效的参考数据。
- The system monitors its calibration and the effects of the environment to ensure reliable measurement in rough industrial conditions. 系统监视其刻度以及对环境的影响,以确保在简陋的工业条件下测量结果可靠。
- There is no reliable measure of who spends more among the rich: men or women. Both will say the other is the bigger spender. 没有可靠的方法来衡量富翁和富婆谁花的钱更多。双方都会指责对方花费更多。
- The effectiveness of hedging can be reliably measured. (四)套期有效性能够可靠地计量。
- The cost of the investment real estate can be reliably measured. 该投资性房地产的成本能够可靠地计量。
- Most commonly used process performance index. This is a more reliable measure of process performance for folded normal distribution since folded normal distribution is one-sided. 此为对于交叉常态分配更可信赖的制程能力量测指针,因为交叉常态分配呈现单边分配。
- One of the arguments that we have been using in our discussions with the Mainland authorities is that, in banking, asset size is not necessarily a reliable measurement of quality. 我们与内地当局商讨的其中一项理据,就是资产多寡并不一定是衡量银行质素的可靠指标。
- It is not always reliable to argue by analogy. 用类推法论证并不总是可靠的。
- Abatract :Using the ZnO surge arrester to prevent the shunt capacitor from overvoltage is one of the most efficient and reliable measures, and in many cased it is a necessity. 摘 要 :利用氧化锌避雷器对并联电容器无功补偿装置进行过电压保护是实际运行中最有效、最可靠的措施之一。
- The tailor took my measurements for a new suit. 裁缝给我量做新西装的尺寸。
- A reliable car is worth its weight in gold. 靠得住的汽车就是无价之宝。