- The country abounds in scenic and natural wonders. 这个国家有许多风景优美的自然景观。
- The diesel engine is reliable and longlasting. 柴油发动机可靠并经久耐用。
- She has been reliable and punctual. 她一直可靠守时。
- His methods are reliable and time-tested. 他的方法相当可靠,而且屡试不爽。
- This method is reliable and accurate. 该方法识别准确度高,可靠性强。
- Dedicated, reliable and team player leader. 专注、可靠,有团队精神。
- I am a very reliable and conscientious person. 我是一个诚实可信对工作负责的人.
- He taught Irene botany and natural history. 他教绮瑞娜认识植物和学习自然史。
- The district abounds in scenic and natural wonders. 这个地区有许多秀丽美景和自然奇观。
- Malaysia is rich in human and natural resources. 马来西亚人材济济,并拥有丰富的天然资源。
- Good jobs also depend on reliable and affordable energy. 好的工作还依赖于可靠的、廉价的能源。
- Where are oil and natural gas found in Britain? 在英国哪里发现了石油和天然气?
- How truly elegant and natural her style is! 她的风格是多么高雅,又多么自然。
- The bank's service is reliable and reasonably priced. 银行服务可靠并价格公道。
- Forest soil seed bank and natural regeneration. 森林土壤种子库与天然更新。
- The Unix operating system is scalable, reliable and performs well. unix操作系统可扩缩、可靠、性能也好。
- B: I think her feelings are sincere and natural. 我认为她的感情真挚而自然。
- Chinese Disneyland and natural zoo. (3)游乐园及野生动物园;
- The Unix operating system is scalable,reliable and performs well. Unix操作系统可扩缩、可靠、性能也好。
- Her feelings are sincere and natural. 她的感情真挚而自然。