- A brief summary of some of the relevant concepts in xxx and xxx is presented in Section 2. 第2节简要总结了xxx和xxx中的一些相关概念。
- They had no difficulty in grasping the relevant concepts and subsequently performed well on an examination. 他们对领会相关概念没有困难,而且在随后的考试中做得很出色。
- A detailed introduction is also made of the research methods and mentalities and the relevant concepts are also defined. 并且详细介绍了本文的研究思路和研究方法,对相关概念进行了界定。
- Conceptualization refers to an abstract model of phenomena in the world by having identified the relevant concepts of those phenomena. 概念化指的是通过识别某个特定现象的相关概念来抽象出该现象在世界中的抽象模型。
- In this article,we introduce the notion of lottice s weak semi-congruence and discuss some relevant concepts and properties. 引入了格的弱半合同的概念并讨论了与之相关的一些概念和性质。
- After analyzed customer loyalty and the relevant concepts and it's essence,pointed the four level of customer loyalty and the value of customer loyalty hase been analyzed also. 通过界定顾客忠诚的概念、内涵,本质,指出了顾客忠诚的四个层次和顾客忠诚的价值。
- This article explains the necessity of performing a comprehensive management of GCP(Ground Control Point)data,its relevant concepts and aimed functions. 本文介绍了对控制点数据进行综合管理的必要性、思路;
- Except the preface and the conclusion, the thesis is divided into three parts altogether: The first part is about relevant concepts and theoretical foundations. 论文除去前言和结论外,共分为三部分:第一部分是相关概念及其形成的理论基础。
- This article analyzes the logical structureand relevant concepts of the model and discusses waysof using the model while conducting audit work on acase-by-case basis. 本文在分析该模型的逻辑结构和相关概念的基础上,结合案例讨论了如何使用现代审计风险模型进行审计。
- Secondly, on the basis of the modern enterprise theory and the modern human resource theory, go deep in the relevant concepts, such as entrepreneur, human capital,EHC etc. 第二,在现代企业理论的基础上,依据现代人力资本理论,对企业家、人力资本和企业家人力资本等相关概念展开逐层深入的阐述。
- Thus the idea of dominant may cease to be a relevant concept for the first mover. 因而优势的思想对于先行者来说可能没有意义。
- The author further makes a distinction between creditor's subrogation and some relevant concepts such as creditor's rescission right, assignment of claim and procuration of creditor's right. 并对与代位权相关的几个概念,如债权人的撤销要、债权让与、债权代理以及代位权追偿权等几个相关的法律概念进行区别。
- This chapter illustrates firstly the concept and nature of ship arrest.And by clarifying the scope and relevant concept of arrestable ships, the object of this thesis is settled. 该章首先阐述船舶扣押的概念和性质,并对可扣押船舶范围及相关概念予以明晰,明确本文的研究对象。
- Exposition of explaining through the relevant concepts to resource of this course of the school,etc. and theoretical foundation, further define the idea of resource of this course of the school. 通过对校本课程资源等相关概念解释和理论依据的阐述,进一步明确校本课程资源的理念。
- Chapter two explained in detail that amalgamates the general principle of the university, relevant concepts and amalgamates the theory that the university needed to use to define in studying. 第二章详细解释了合并高校的一般原理及相关概念并对研究合并高校所需运用的理论进行了界定。
- This article tries to clarify the relevant conception and unify the relevant terms. 本文试图厘清有关危机管理研究的基本概念,并规范危机管理研究中的相关专业术语。
- In order to solve this problem, firstly, explained some relevance concepts about IPM and compensation incentive system. 为解决这一问题,首先,对国际职业经理人和薪酬激励机制的相关概念给以界定。
- Analyzing the contents of the axonometric projection in textbook of Engineering Drawing,this paper points out the consistency problems of the relevant concept definition and application. 通过对制图教材中轴测投影部分的内容进行分析和研究,指出了其中有关概念定义及应用中存在的一致性问题。
- These facts are relevant to the case. 这些事实和此案有关。
- She gobbled up all the relevant information. 她如饥似渴地收集一切有关的信息。