- The dysmenorrhea releasing rate was 93 3% in adenomyoma and 96 4% in adenomyosis in 18-month follow up. 随访 1 8个月 ,对子宫肌腺瘤总有效率为 93 3%25 ,子宫腺肌病为 96 4%25。
- Objective: To study the releasing rate of chrysophanol from Ruyi Jinhuang plaster. 目的:研究如意金黄贴膏中大黄酚的释放情况。
- The glass fertilizer comprising vitreous matrix doped with rare-earth and micronutrient elements has favorable releasing rate of plant nutrient. 玻璃肥料以玻璃态为基质,添加稀土和微量营养元素,具有合适的植物营养物释放速率。
- The variation of plant hormones and ethylene releasing rate in rape treated by a new chemical hybridizing agent WP were studied. 研究了用新型化学杀雄剂WP喷施油菜叶片对油菜体内乙烯释放量和内源激素的影响。
- The result indicated that the releasing rate of cholesterol had been improved obviously after filtrating while hot and homogenizing. 结果表明,经过均质、趁热过滤、热乙醇洗涤等工序,胆固醇释放率得到明显提高。
- The paper analyzes the reason that caused the high releasing rate of BFG and presents the measures to solve these problems based on the management and technology. 分析了造成高炉煤气放散率高的主要原因 ,并从技术和管理方面采取措施 ,达到了降低放散率的目的
- The results show that this treatment will greatly reduce the ACC content and EFE activity, it might as well lead to the decreased of ethylene releasing rate and to the delay of ethylene peak appearing time. 结果表明,低乙烯减压处理使火柿ACC含量降低,EFE活性减弱,从而显著抑制了乙烯的产生,延迟了乙烯峰出现的时间。
- Based on releasing rate of lagging displacement, the Bernoulli equation ofdisplacement rate for excavation work of tunnel, foundation pit etc. has been developed, aconverse curve of displacement ageing was obtained. 本文在提出滞后位移释放率的基础上,建立了基坑隧道等开挖工程的位移速度贝努利方程,从而得到位移时效反弯曲线。
- The energy release rate can also be established experimentally from measuring the compliance of the cracked body. 能量释放率也可用实验方法测量裂纹体的柔度而建立起来。
- At this rate we won't be able to afford a holiday. 照这样下去,我们不会有时间/钱去度假的。
- Methods: HPMC was used to form the framwork of floated sustained release capsules containing Xiaojin Cinnabar.The content, floating time in vitro and releasing rate were studied. 方法:用HPMC为骨架制成含小金丹的漂浮缓释胶囊,进行含量、体外漂浮时间和释放度的比较。
- Disturbances in the recirculating flow regime can produce related variations in the heat release rate in the primary mixing region. 回流区域内的扰动可使主要混合区内热量释放发生相应的变化。
- The overall release rates of econazole nitrate in the suppository and microcapsule were measured by osmosis. 采用渗透法,在相同条件下,测定硝酸益康唑栓剂和硝酸益康唑微胶囊的累积释放百分率。
- Objective To prepare Emedastine Difumarate Sustained-release Tablets(EDST),and develop a method for the determination of drug release rate. 目的制备富马酸依美斯汀缓释片,并建立其释放度测定方法。
- Ultraviolet spectrophotography was applicable for the assay of the release rate of EDST. 紫外分光光度法可用于富马酸依美斯汀释放度的测定。
- The release rate of As2O3 albumin microsphere is 9.22 times faster than that of As2O3 albumin microsphere CAC. 单纯As_2O_3白蛋白微球缓释是AS_2O_3微球与CPC复合后释药速度的9.;22倍。
- Due to the interaction with the drug, the release rate ofthe systems including polyvinylpyrrolidone(PVP) was slower . 聚乙烯吡咯烷酮(PVP)的加入,增加了凝胶体系的网络交联密度,且对药物具有很好的络合作用,因而含PVP体系药物缓释效果要好。
- Methods Paddle method was used to determine release rate of theophylline from the hydrophilic matrix system. 方法采用搅拌桨法测试茶碱从亲水骨架片中的溶出速率,并对测量数据进行线性回归分析。
- The need to tailor release rate profiles from polymeric microspheres is a significant problem. 需要得到多聚体微球的释放率情况,这是一个非常大的难题。