- A large proportion of the best citizen hate his despotism. 一大部分最好的公民都痛恨他的专制君主统治。
- A large proportion of the families round here own bicycles. 这一带相当大一部分家庭都有自行车。
- The weight of the load swayed the boat to the left. 负载使船侧向左边。
- release proportion of the load 荷载释放比例
- A large proportion of the country is desert. 这个国家的大部分地方是沙漠。
- A small proportion of the streets were sewered. 一小部分街道铺有下水道。
- The support is too weak for the weight of the load. 所载的分量很重已经禁不住了。
- The load factor of the hashtable. 哈希表的加载因子。
- A large proportion of the earth surface is ocean. 地球表面大部分是海洋。
- A large proportion of the students were sick last week. 上星期大部分学生病了。
- Raise the proportion of the middle-income group. 扩大中等收入者比重
- A large proportion of the earth's surface is water. 地球表面的大部分是水。
- A large proportion of the texts are original works. 课文中很大一部分是原著。
- A proportion of the paddocks can be withdrawn for mowing. 可以抽出一定比例的地块供收割牧草用。
- A large proportion of the best citizens hated his despotism. 一大部分最好的公民都痛恨他的专制君主统治。
- Oil royalty make up a large proportion of the country's revenue. 石油产地使用费构成该国收入的一大部分。
- A small proportion of the people were not in favor of him. 一小部分人不赞成他。
- Oil royalty makes up a large proportion of the country's revenue. 石油产地使用费构成该国收入的一大部分。
- He secured the release of the hostages. 他已经设法使人质获释。
- Oil royalty makes up a large proportion of the country 's revenue . 石油产地使用费构成该国收入的一大部分。