- To release from or as if from a hitch; unfasten. 解开;解下从或好像从绳节松开;解开
- Release from a debt, an obligation, or a penalty. 免除免去债务、义务或处罚
- To release from a burden or responsibility. 解脱使摆脱重负或责任
- To release from a closed or fastened position. 打开从关闭的或固定的位置上移开
- release from a spell. 使从着魔的状态中解放出来。
- Discharge: release from a legal obligation imposed by contract or law. 清偿:从合同或法律施加的法定债务中解脱出来。
- Treatment or care given to convalescent patients after release from a hospital. 愈后治疗与护理对康复期病人出院后进行的治疗与护理。
- As with its eye rays, casting a spell from a spell-stalk is a free action (although a single spell-stalk can cast only one spell per round). 通过法梗施展法术就像使用眼球射线一样是自由动作(尽管一条法梗每轮仍然只能施展一个法术)。
- Sunburst doesn't apply if a card is put directly into play from a player's hand. It applies only if it's being played as a spell. 若某张牌是直接从玩家手上放置进场,则辉映并不会生效。该牌必须以咒语的方式来使用,才会让辉映生效。
- Rechannel Spell (Su): If an arcane nullifier's spell resistance protects it from a spell, the creature stores that spell within its body. 法术反射(Su):如果一个奥术消除者成功抵抗了一个法术,那么该生物将在它身体里纪录下该法术。
- The news comes from a reliable source. 这消息来自可靠的来源。
- After his release from prison he came home. 他被释放出狱后就回家了。
- Waiting for the moment it shall be recalled by some visitor, maybe, who is seeking release from a strange kind of sadness, some unknown disease. 等待着再度被那些想要从陌生的悲伤与未知的瘟疫中解脱的拜访者们唤起。
- The operation brought him a release from his pain. 手术给他解除了痛苦。
- I look at this problem from a different viewpoint. 我从不同的观点来看这个问题。
- He remembered now that a witch who was in league with the bad king had cast a spell on him and changed him from a knight to a speechless dwarf. 他此刻想起来是和坏国王勾结的那个女巫在他身上施法,把他从一位武士变成不能说话的侏儒。
- Death is often a welcome release from pain. 死神往往是解除痛苦的救星。
- A sound mind is inseparable from a sound body. 健全的精神是与健康的身体是不可分割的。
- The novel originally came from a true love affair. 这本小说原先是从一个真实的爱情故事发展而来的。
- A kite dangles from a telephone wire. 一只风筝悬挂在电话线上晃来晃去。