- Meanwhile, the torch relay route of the Beijing Games is still in discussion. 与此同时,北京奥运会的火炬接力路线尚在讨论。
- This is an exciting moment, where the torch and torch relay route will be presented to the world. 这是一个令人激动的时刻,北京2008年奥运会火炬和火炬接力路线将向世人公布。
- "The original torch relay route has been confirmed by BOCOG and Chinese authorities," Rogge said. "原来火炬接力路线已确定,由北京奥组委和中国当局, "罗格说。
- The relay route was altered today on its last day to the earthquake-shattered province of Sichuan. 传递路线作出过调整,今天是回北京前的最后一天,火炬抵达四川地震灾区。
- Police sealed off roads and shuttered buildings along the route, and Indian authorities kept the relay route secret until 24 hours before the event. 警察已封锁了道路和关闭沿线场所,不仅如此,印度当局将火炬传递路线保密直到活动前24小时。
- Following the Sichuan earthquake, the torch relay route was curtailed in each city and special mourning sessions were added. 在四川地震后,火炬传递的路线在每个城市都有所减少,而增加了特别的哀悼会。
- To help ensure a smooth trip in the city, the Chinese Chamber of Commerce organized up to 10000 oversea as Chinese to run along the relay route as part of their support for the Beijing Games. 为配合市政府,保证火炬传递顺利,美国华商总会组织了上万名华人华侨千万传递路线,表达对奥运的支持和祝福。
- The sacred Olympic flame that Chinese mountaineers carried to the top of the world on May 8 will reunite with the one on the main torch relay route and then travel to Qinghai this evening. 5月8日在世界最高峰珠穆朗玛峰传递的火种将与在全国进行传递的火种灯汇合。火炬将于今晚到达下一站青海省。
- He said the somber relay would probably last until the torch reached the earthquake ravished areas, with people along relay routes asked to make donations to help quake victims. 他认为这样规模的接力可能要持续至火炬抵达地震受灾区域为止,沿途人们将向受灾群众捐赠款项。
- He is on the way to Pakistan via the Silk Route. 他正经由丝绸之路在去巴基斯坦的旅途上。
- The anchor man in a relay team runs last. 接力队中的主力跑最后一棒。
- We drove home by a roundabout route. 我们绕远道驾车回家。
- We stopped at Paris en route from Rome to London. 我们从罗马去伦敦的途中曾在巴黎停留。
- I prick the map with a pin to show our route. 我用大头针在地图上扎孔标出我们的路线。
- He has chosen the most direct route. 他选取了最直的路线。
- Six teams competed in yesterday's relay race. 六个队参加了昨天的接力赛。
- In a network, a route between any two nodes. 网络中任意两个网点之间的一段路由。
- She want to relay the carpet in her new home. 她想重新铺设她新房子的地毯。
- They passed through Paris en route for Rome. 他们途经巴黎前往罗马。
- There is a scenic route across the Alps. 穿越阿尔卑斯山有一条风景优美的路径。