- He vainly tried to mark the defacing stain out. 他试图除去有损外观的污迹,但没有成功。
- I put the shirt in soapy water to soak out the stain. 我将衬衫浸在肥皂水里以去除污渍。
- I scrubbed hard at the stain to see if I could get it off. 我使劲擦这个污迹,看能不能将它去掉。
- After a week's work I like to retreat to the country to relax. 工作一周之後,我喜欢躲到乡下松弛一下。
- I am afraid you must wash out this stain. 恐怕你必须洗掉这个污渍。
- The stain on his shirt is difficult to clean off. 他衬衣上的污点很难去除掉。
- Fishing is his favourite relaxation. 他最喜爱的消遣是钓鱼。
- Relaxation exercises can free your body of tension. 放松运动可以松缓身体的紧张。
- I rubbed hard but the stain just wouldn't go. 我使劲擦也擦不掉那污迹。
- We could relax the procedure slightly in your case. 我们可以根据你的情况通融一些。
- Such a man is a stain to humanity. 这种人是人类的耻辱。
- Yoga is a good discipline for learning to relax. 要学会身心松弛,瑜珈功是一种有效的锻炼方法。
- There's an ink stain on your shirt. 你的衬衫上有一个墨水斑。
- Beautiful scenery will relax you. 美丽的风景会使你心情轻松。
- He left the court without a stain on his character. 他经法庭一役,人格丝毫无损。
- He's got an ink stain on his shirt. 他衬衫上有块墨渍。
- The cure for stress lies in learning to relax. 消除紧张的方法在于学会放松。
- The ink made an indelible stain. 墨水留下一个洗不掉的污渍。
- Fishing is his favorite relaxation. 他最喜爱的消遣是钓鱼。
- How much stain should I buy for the table? 给这张桌子上色,我得买多少颜料?