- relativistic neutron 相对论性中子
- A proton or a neutron, especially as part of an atomic nucleus. 核子质子或中心,尤指作为原子核的一个组成部分
- Proton and neutron form a charge doublet. 质子和中子构成电荷双重态。
- Relativistic electrodynamics and mechanics. 相对电动力学与动力学。
- This is the stabilization of the neutron. 这就是中子的稳定性。
- Neutron has no charge, either positive or negative. 中子不带电荷,既不带正电荷,也不带负电荷。
- The antiparticle of the neutron. 反中子中子的反粒子
- Hubble sees a neutron star all alone in space. 由哈勃望远镜在太空中观测到的一颗孤单的中子星。
- Pulsars: Neutron Stars or Strange Stars? 脉冲星是中子星还是奇异星?
- But why would a neutron star behave like this? 可是为什麽中子星会有这种行为呢?
- The PRC subsequently tested a neutron bomb in 1988. 于是才在1988年试验了它的中子弹。
- Perhaps nuclear reactions, such as neutron capture? 也许是某种核反应,例如,中子捕获?
- We have a Neutron weapon detonation. 我们探测到中子武器爆炸。
- The key involves the relativistic effect of time, Krauss explains. 克劳斯解释说,关键在于时间的相对性所产生的影响。
- Do you know who invented the neutron bomb? 你知道,中子弹是谁研发出来的吗?
- The relativistic length contraction makes the lion flat as paper. 相对论长度收缩导致狮子像一张纸一样平。
- J.D.Bjorken and S.D.Drell, Relativistic Quantum Mechanics. 量子力学,张永德著。
- AS: Where it's most diverting is in the field of relativist ethics. 分歧最厉害的地方,就在于“相对无神论”的领域内。
- The relativistic kinetic energy diverges completely from the Newtonian formula. 相对论动能完全偏离了牛顿力学的公式。
- We think of a nucleus as made up of neutron and proton. 我们认为原子核是由中子和质子构成的。