- The research shows that the indices determined in this paper depend on relative water depth;the shallower the water depth, the greater the indices. 研究还表明,这一破碎指标与相对水深有关系,随着水深变浅,指标值增大。
- relative water depth 相对水深
- The hydrologist figured the water depth along a wharf piling. 水文工作者在码头桩上用数字标明水深。
- A weight on the end of a line, used to determine water depth. 铅锤系在一条线末端的重物,用来测定水的深度
- Prepare spud plate and wire-line to check water depth. 准备测探板和钢丝绳测量水深。
- In the formula,the dynamical action on blocks by tidal bore was expressed by the relative height of tidal bore,and the impact of base water depth on the stability of blocks was taken into account. 在公式中采用涌潮相对(滩地水深)高度表示其对护滩块石的动力作用,同时考虑了滩地水深对护滩块石稳定性的影响。
- The optimum aperture of an aerator is smallest at the water depth of 4 m. 一般水深在4 m左右;曝气器的最优孔径最小.
- The optimum water depth increases as the aperture of the aerator increases. 水深较小时,宜选用孔径较小的曝气器;
- Such as population de ity, street layouts, number of enterprises, water depth. 比如,人口密度,街道状况,企事业数量,水的深度。
- Such as population density,street layouts,number of enterprises, water depth. 比如,人口密度、街道状况、企业数目、水深。
- Constant minimum water depth: 21feet at mean low tide at the face of all docks. 稳定的最小的水深:21英尺在最低潮可面对所有的码头。
- The activities of POD and CAT of SWS are negatively interrelated with the relative water content of leaf. 春小麦幼苗叶片POD、CAT的活性与叶片相对含水量有显著的负相关关系。
- The results showed that roots activity and relative water contents of chive leaves were significantly reduced compared with well-watered plants. 结果表明:在水分胁迫下,香葱穴盘苗根系活力和叶片相对含水量与对照相比显著下降;
- The plant water status was evaluated using the leaf water potential measurements, leaf relative water content, leaf chlorophyll content and air/ leaf temperature gradient. 植物中水分状况通过植物叶面水势、面相对含水量、面叶绿素含量和空气/面温度梯度来估算。
- Phragmite australis is a kind of helophyte,the submergence and the ground water depth have effect on the growth. 芦苇是一种喜水性植物,地表淹水程度和地下水埋深对芦苇生长都有明显的影响。
- The seasonal range of temperature in the ocean is affected by factors such as latitude, water depth and distance to the shore. 海水的季节温度受纬度、水深和离岸远近等因素的影响。
- The drought tolerance of sorghum is stronger than that of maize, its leaf relative water content and water potential are higher under drought condition. 高粱耐旱性较强,干旱条件下叶片相对含水量较高,水势亦较大。
- The geography distribution of Chondrichthian fishes is influenced by water temperature,water depth and ocean current. 软骨鱼类的地理分布受到水温、水深和海流等环境因子的影响。
- The effect on seepage is small when the opening of cutoff wall crack is less than 0.3cm,themaximum relative water head at the bottom of lower core wall is only 2.02%. 防渗墙出现裂缝开度小于0.;3cm时;对渗流场的影响不大;防渗墙下游心墙底部最大相对水头值仅为2
- Shek Pik Wan, water depth, engraved with Ye Gongchuo wrote, "Chao Yin waterfall," the three Chinese characters. 湾内水深石壁上,刻有叶公绰写的“潮音瀑”三个大字。