- Wherever our commands go, they must build good relations with the masses. 我们的同志不论到什么地方,都要和群众的关系搞好。
- He maintained close ties with the masses. 他和群众保持着密切的联系。
- They maintain the closest relations with the masses and share their weal and woe. 他们和群众血肉相连, 休戚与共。
- In Sian we have corrected the tendency towards unprincipled accommodation in our relations with the Kuomintang and have developed the mass struggle anew. 在西安,纠正了两党关系上的无原则倾向(迁就倾向),重新开展了群众斗争。
- A cadre must reach out to and be one with the masses. 一个干部必须联系群众,同群众打成一片。
- I made something of my relations with the dean. 我利用了我同院长的关系。
- Unless we understand from a correct ideological approach that our Party policy must of necessity be "from the masses",we shall not be able to really solve the problem of the Party's relations with the masses. 如果不从认识方法上解决党的主张必须是“从群众中来,到群众中去”的问题,那么,党同人民群众的关系问题仍然不能真正地解决。
- We must keep in close contact with the masses. 我们必须密切联系群众。
- In this period, the chief object was Faith Education, the focal point was to get over those non-proletarian ideologies, and the party's relations with the masses was highly emphasized. 这一时期将理想信念教育作为党员思想教育的首要目标,将克服各种非无产阶级思想作为党员思想教育的重点,并高度重视“党群关系”教育。
- Don't have any family relations with the brides. 都没有真正的亲属关係。
- We shall maintain close ties with the masses. 我们应和群众保持密切联系。
- We have business relations with the company. 我们公司与那家公司有业务关系。
- We should maintain close ties with the masses . 我们应和群众保持密切的联系。
- Relations with the USSR are improving. 与苏联的关系正在改善.
- We should merge with the masses. 我们应同群众打成一片。
- His heart is linked with the hearts of the masses. 他和群众心连心。
- But mixing with the masses proved risky. 但是同平民大众混杂在一起则证明是有风险的。
- A cadre must become one with the masses. 干部必须和群众打成一片。
- maintain discipline in relations with the masses 遵守群众纪律
- We have established diplomatic relations with the newly independent nations. 我们已与那几个新近独立的国家建立了外交关系。