- A sole proprietor has lawful title to the assets of the sole proprietorship enterprise, and any related right may be assigned or inherited in accordance with the law. 第十七条个人独资企业投资人对本企业的财产依法享有所有权,其有关权利可以依法进行转让或继承。
- What is collective management of copyright and related rights? 什么是版权和相关权的集体管理?
- Thus, copyright and related rights would have a permanent home in the country. 这样,版权与相关权将在该国永久地落户。
- In that project, which would last for one year, the subjects of copyright and related rights would be covered. 该项目将持续一年,将包含版权和相关权的内容。
- In addition, the different groups of related rights holders should be treated on an equal footing. 而且,应当同等对待相关权权利人的各种团体。
- The complicatedness lies not only in ownership but also in related rights and responsibilities. 这种复杂性不仅在于所有权,而且在于与所有权相关的权利及相关责任。
- It indicated that with WIPO's cooperation it should make it possible to reach the objectives set, the proper enforcement of related rights. 它指出,在WIPO的合作下,达到定下的目标,对相关权的适当执法,应成为可成就的事。
- In this context, the Laws on Industrial Property Protection and Copyright and Related Rights were expected to be amended by August 2007. 在这一背景下,预计工业产权保护法与版权及相关权法将在2007年8月之前得到修订。
- The first of those programs concerned copyright and related rights, the second industrial property and the third was aimed at the LDCs. 这些方案中的第一项涉及版权和相关权利,第二项涉及工业产权,第三项涉及最不发达国家。
- The Ministry of Culture had taken steps to widely circulate the Act, along with its amendment, in order to create awareness on copyright and related rights. 文化部已经采取措施,将随修正案一起广泛传播这一法令,以树立版权和相关权的意识。
- Strong focus is given to supporting the creation of copyright and related rights collective management societies, in particular where they do not yet exist. 重点尤其放在支持那些尚未成立版权及相关权集体管理协会的国家成立此种协会。
- Australia had been actively involved in discussions in the Standing Committee on Copyright and Related Rights regarding the proposed broadcasters'rights treaty. 澳大利亚积极参加了版权及相关权常设委员会关于拟议的广播组织权利条约的讨论。
- Firstly, an international legal framework should be in place, guaranteeing copyright and related rights on the basis of a minimum that would apply to all. 首先,应有一个国际法律框架,保证在最低限度基础上的版权和相关权能适用于所有人。
- Some members of the Working Party expressed concerns about the consistency of China's current law on the protection of copyright and related rights with the TRIPS Agreement. 一些工作组成员对中国保护版权及相关权利的现行法律与。
- Two treaties were concluded in 1996, under the auspices of WIPO, to respond to the challenges of protecting and managing copyright and related rights in the digital age. 为了应对在数字时代对版权和相关权的保护及管理提出的各种挑战,1996年在世界知识产权组织的主持下缔结了两项条约。
- Exceptions and limitations to copyright and related rights help to maintain this balance, and are recognized in international conventions and codified in national legislation. 对版权和相关权规定的例外和限制,有助于维持这一平衡,而且在国际公约中得到承认并被编入国家立法之中。
- Digital technologies need to be used in a manner that respects exceptions and limitations to copyright and related rights, and preserves both private rights and the public good. 使用数字技术,必须要遵守对版权和相关权规定的例外和限制,既要保护私人权利,又要维护公共利益。
- A narrower definition of "broadcasting" has been proposed in the Draft Basic Proposal for consistency with existing treaties in the field of copyright and related rights. 基础提案草案中建议对“广播”采用较为狭窄的定义,以与版权及相关权领域的现有条约保持一致。
- If the company requests, the staff should fully cooperate and convey the litigable invention related rights, titles and profits to the company and its appointed agent. 若公司要求,员工必须完全配合并将该可诉讼发明的一切权利,名称和利益转让给公司或其指定代理人。
- She's my namesake but we're not related. 她与我同姓,但我们不是亲戚。