- The Sidewinders were convinced as a morale booster. 响尾蛇导弹不过是用来充当鼓舞士气的工具罢了。
- My win last week is a nice confidence booster. 上周取得的胜利给了我极大的信心。
- Our vet is very efficient; he sends us a reminder when the cat is due for a booster vaccination as a matter of course. 我们的兽医工作效率很高,当猫要按时免疫接种时,他总给我们寄一张提醒单来。
- Remove check valve and valve seal from booster. 从倍力器上卸去逆止阀和阀门密封。
- Connect vacuum hose to booster check valve. 连接真空软管到增压器检测阀。
- Can I bring my dog in for his booster injection? 我可以带我的狗来打加强针吗?
- She is a booster of the local girls' club. 她是当地少女俱乐部的积极支持者。
- The river dam wants reinforcing. 这道河堤需要加固。
- Connect vacuum hose to booster check valve . 连接真空软管到增压器检测阀。
- Separate reinforcing rings may be applied. 可以使用分开的加强环。
- Necessity of booster pumping stations? 泵站调压器的必要性?
- The reinforcing efficiency of fiber bundles or... 对此,在加固设计时应予以重视。
- Hm, just got these TCG cards from booster packages! 刚刚从TCG包装里面拆出来的!
- We will have booster seats for short people. 我们也准备了升降椅给哈比族人们。
- New booster can increase the pay load by 120%. 新型助推器能使有效负载增加120%25。
- A reinforcing rib used in Gothic vaulting to connect the intersections and bosses of the primary ribs. 枝肋哥特式拱顶上的一种用于加固的肋,连接主肋上的交点或凸饰
- Instead, the northerners appear to be reinforcing their positions. 相反,北方军显然还在加强他们的军事地位。
- A band of tough reinforcing material beneath the tread of a tire. 保护带轮胎面下面的不易磨损的加固带
- Should Drill hole on the fuselage reinforcing plate. 要钻在机身的加强层板上。
- We saw the booster rockets disengage and fall into the sea. 我们看到火箭助推器脱落后坠入大海。