- A reimbursing bank's charges are for the account of the issuing bank. 如果未发生偿付,开证行仍有义务承担偿付行的费用。
- If no reimbursement is made, the reimbursing bank's charges remain the obligation of the issuing bank. 则该费用应在偿付时从支付索偿行的金额中扣除。如果未发生偿付,开证行仍有义务承担偿付行的费用。
- ALL yours and reimbursing bank's charges plus our disbursement fees, if any,are for beneficiarys account. 疑问:我完全没看懂这句话,是不是说银行的费用是他们的,其他的都是我们来?
- All charges outside KSA,INCUDING REIMBURSING BANK'S CHARGES AND COURIER FEES,IF ANYARE ON THE BENEFICIARY ACCOUTN. 这个费用是不是说,除了KSA之外的所有费用,包括偿付行的费用和快递费都由受益人支付?我这样理解对吗?
- If no reimbursement is made, the reimbursing bank''s charges remain the obligation of the issuing bank. 如果未发生偿付,开证行仍有义务承担偿付行的费用。
- In cases where the Credit is not drawn under, the Reimbursing Bank's charges remain the obligation of the Issuing Bank. 如未支取,开证行仍有义务承担偿付行的费用。
- The bank is a ten minutes' run from the hotel. 从旅馆到银行跑步需十分钟。
- An issuing bank is not relieved of any of its obligations to provide reimbursement if reimbursement is not made by a reimbursing bank on first demand. 如果偿付行未能于首次索偿时即行偿付,则开证行不能解除其自身的偿付责任。
- You shall reimburse the bank for the amount paid. 您应该偿还银行付的那笔款子。
- A claiming bank shall not be required to supply a reimbursing bank with a certificate of compliance with the terms and conditions of the credit. 不应要求索偿行向偿付行提供证实单据与信用证条款及条件相符的证明。
- You should reimburse the bank for the amount paid. 您应该补偿银行付的那笔款子。
- All your commission and charges are for beneficiaries account including reimbursement bank payment commission and charges. 所有你方的费用及佣金由受益人承担,包括偿付行的费用在内。
- Please submit your claim to the reimbursing bank requesting them to pay it less USD25.00 being their reimbursement charges. 请将索汇要求提交付款银行,并要求受益人交纳25美元以下的服务费。
- In cases where the Credit is not drawn under, the Reimbursing Bank's charges remain the obligation of the Issuing Bank.D. 如未支取,开证行仍有义务承担偿付行的费用。
- You shall reimburse the bank for the amount pay . 您应该偿还银行付的那笔款子。
- You shall reimburse the bank for the amount pay. 您应该偿还银行付的那笔款子。
- The bank has progressively increased its liquidity. 银行逐渐地增加其流动资产。
- We will reimburse the customer for any loss or damage. 我们将赔偿顾客所受到的一切损失和损害。
- If a reimbursing bank,s charges are for the account of the beneficiary, they shall be deducted from the amount due to a claiming bank when reimbursement is made. 如偿付行的费用系由受益人承担,则该费用应在偿付时从支付索偿行的金额中扣除。
- In cases where the Reimbursing Bank's charges are for the account of another party they shall be collected from the Claiming Bank when the Credit is drawn under. 如偿付行的费用系由其它方承担,则该费用应在支付信用证项下款项时向索偿行收取。