- Human interferon Regulatory Factor,IRF Elisa Kit... 人干扰素调节因子(IRF)试剂盒;
- There's a second regulatory factor, however, which intervenes as well. 当然,还有第二个因素,就是有效的政府监管。
- Objective To investigate the role of interferon regulatory factor(IRF)-1 in the development of experimental autoimmune thyroiditis(EAT). 目的 探讨干扰素调节因子 (IRF) 1在实验性自发免疫性甲状腺炎 (EAT)发病及进展过程中的作用。
- Its positive or negative impacts on quality or quantity of angio-genetic regulatory factor play a crucial part for the effects. 活血化瘀法对血管生成调节因子正反两方面质或量的影响对于血管生成的效应起着决定性作用。
- What is more,leptin also is a new type immune regulatory factor,which is closely related to the genesis of many immune diseases. 而且,瘦素作为一种新型的免疫调节因子与多种自身免疫病的发生密切相关。
- Nitrogen monoxide (NO) as a vasoactive peptide with many kinds of biological activity is an important regulatory factor for the self-regulation of eye vessels. 一氧化氮(NO)是具有多种生物活性的血管活性物质,是眼部血管自我调节的一个重要调节因子。
- PTP is a negative regulating factor in the MAPK pathway. MAPK级联途径参与有机体的发育、细胞增殖、激素调节以及逆境胁迫的信号转导, PTP在MAPK级联途径中主要起负调控作用。
- Each tablet contains different growth factors, transforming growth factors and liquid regulatory factor for skin. 每片包含了不同的生长因子,转化生长因子和液体调节因子的皮肤。
- Biotic elicitor as an effective regulatory factor has been widely used in plant cell culture since it can promote plant cell cultures to accumulate secondary metabolites, for example, alkaloids, saponins, phenols, terpenoids, flavonoids etc. 生物诱导子作为一种有效的调控手段,在植物细胞培养中能促进生物碱、甙、类、类、酮类等多种次生产物的积累,因而得到广泛应用。
- Paxillin(pax) is a key regulatory factor of the actin cytoskeleton that possesses latent energy of response to extracellular stimulation and functions as a molecular adapor of structure and signal transduction to facilitate a few signaling pathways. 桩蛋白(paxillin;Pax)作为细胞骨架蛋白的关键调节蛋白之一;具有对细胞外刺激发应的潜能;在多种信号转导途径中起到结构和信号转导的承接作用.
- Initiation of transcription requires sophisticated coordination of many different regulatory factors. 转录过程的启动需要对许多不同调节因子进行精密复杂的协调。
- The expression of NPY decreased with increase in age which may be due to the effect of other regulatory factors. 不同年龄石斑脑中 NPY 表现,随著年龄增加而下降,确实影响因素尚不清楚。
- Yeast regulatory factor PHO85, which is a cyclin?dependent kinase (CDK), participates in the regulation of the cell cycle control and the expression of the acid phosphatase gene. 酵母调控因子PHO85是一个依赖于细胞周期蛋白(cyclin)的蛋白激酶(CDK),参与对细胞周期和酸性磷酸酯酶基因表达的调控。
- So it may benefit the treatment and prevention of SLE by preparation of the antagonists and/or activators of IFN regulatory factors. 制备干扰素调节因子的拮抗剂和(或)激活剂在SLE的治疗等方面可能有一定的疗效。
- CREB as a transcriptional regulation factor in eucaryotic cell carrie s out the function by itself phosphorylation. CREB是一种细胞核内调控 因子,它通过自身磷酸化实现调节转录的功能。
- NAC (NAM/ATAF/CUC) transcription factors that are unique to plants are the new type transcription regulatory factors that have multiple biological functions. 摘要NAC转录因子是特异存在于植物中的具有多种生物功能的新型转录因子。
- Bcl-2 gene is one of the most important regulatory factors in apoptosis.This gene can not help cells multiplication, but can suppressor cells apoptosis and extend cell life. bcl-2基因是细胞凋亡中最重要的调节因子之一,它并不促使细胞增殖,而是通过抑制细胞凋亡,使细胞存活延长。
- Besides autoimmunity,the level of thyroxine is also an important regulating factor of sIL 2 R in serum of patients with disease of thyroidghand. 除自身免疫外,甲状腺激素水平也是甲状腺疾病患者血清sIL?2R水平的的重要调节因素。
- BOULE protein, a new member of DAZ family, is found in 2001, and is the key regulation factor in meiosis of human spermatogenesis. BOULE蛋白是2001年发现的DAZ家族的新成员;是人类精子发生过程中减数分裂的关键调控因子.
- Increasing expression of Arabidopsis CBF1, a key regulating factor in cold acclimation, increased the abiotic stress of variant transgenic plants. 摘要CBF是植物低温驯化过程中的关键性调控因子,过量表达CBF可显著提高转基因植物的非生物胁迫抗性。