- Gene Regulation of Natural Abortion and Regulation of Yin and Yang 自然流产的基因调控与阴阳调节
- regulation of yin and yang 调整阴阳
- We may say like the Book of Changes that the world consists of Yin and Yang. 就象易经说的,这个世界全由阴阳组成。
- The interaction of yin and yang maintains the harmony of the universe. 阴阳交会维持万物和谐。
- Space and Time are the Yin and Yang of programming. 道之初,带来了空间和时间,所以,空间和时间是编程的阴阳两极。
- This dynamic change of succeeding each other between yin and yang is known as the waxing and waning of yin and yang. 阴阳之间的这种彼此消长的动态变化被称为阴阳消长。
- It refers to inquiring about insomnia, dreaminess and lethargyto know excess and deficiency of yin and yang. 指的是询问失眠、多梦和昏睡以了解阴阳的虚实。
- Traditional Chinese doctors believe we need a balance of yin and yang to be healthy. 传统中医认为我们需要阴阳调和以保持身体健康。
- And microscopically there exist properties of Yin and Yang indeed in the pancreas functions. 微观上看,胰岛功能确实存在着阴阳属性。
- On the other hand, their sublime status in the vigorous explanation of the way of yin and yang made them speechless. 另一方面,在阴阳之道强有力的解释中她们所享有的崇高地位又使她们哑口无言。
- The symbols of Yin and Yang are represented by the music of gongs, bells, lutes, sitars and flutes, and 64 dances. 锣、钟、琵琶、锡塔尔琴、长笛和64种舞蹈分别代表着"阴"和"阳"。
- It is believed that the material world engenders and develops by the promotion of yin and yang. 物质世界是在阴阳两气的推动下资生与发展的。
- It refers to inquiring about insomnia, dreaminess and lethargy to know excess and deficiency of yin and yang. 指的是询问失眠、梦和昏睡以了解阴阳的虚实。
- It deduced the laws of Yin and Yang in accordance with the forms of divinatory symbols. 依据筮卦特点,演绎阴阳法则;
- And the things in which Yin and Yang are distinguished could not be defined without the existence of Yin and Yang qualities. 可区别出阴和阳的事物,如果没有阴和阳两方面的存在,就不可能给其下定义。
- The basic theory of the traditional Chinese medicine is adopted from the theory of yin and yang theory of the five elements. 中医的基本理论取自阴阳五行学说。
- There is high incidence of UAP in aged patients, always result in enfeeblement of viscera, imbalance of Yin and Yang and misadjustment of Qi and blood. 本病多发于中老年人,皆因脏腑亏损,阴阳失调,气血失和所致,气虚常为气滞血瘀的病因病理重要环节。扶正和祛邪是治疗本病的两大法规。
- It is possible to represent ebb and flow of yin and yang quantitativly by the rate K_(12)/K_(11) of the coefficients of the yinyang equation. 对简单体系,阴阳方程的系数比K_(12)/K_(11)可定量地表示阴阳消长。
- This paper try to discuss "distention and stuffiness" symptoms pathogenesis by the abnormal movements of Yin and Yang of six aspects. 试以阴阳升降失常的角度从六方面论述"痞"证的病机。
- In the Chinese tradition, the rainbow is a common symbol for marriage because the colours represent the union of yin and yang. 在中国的传统中,彩虹是常见的象征婚姻的标志,因为它的颜色显示了阴阳的统一。