- Global strategic balance and stability. 全球战略平衡和稳定。
- The young girl had regular and delicate lineament. 这个年轻姑娘的容貌长得端正而且秀丽。
- Four gallons of regular and some oil, please. 请加四加仑普通汽油和一些机油。
- Relational data is regular and homogeneous. 关系数据是规则且同构的。
- Partly regular and partly diffuse transmission. 规则透射与漫透射的混合。
- Are there both regular and surprise stock checks? 是否有就货品进行定期及突击核对?
- The film has better conductivity and stability. 该复合膜具有较好的导电性和稳定性。
- I was very regular and conscientious about it. 我非常认真地执行,持之以恒。
- All China needs now is peace and stability. 中国当前所需要的是和平和稳定。
- She has regular and delicate features. 她长得五官端正,眉清目秀。
- That is required for world peace and stability. 这是世界和平和稳定的需要。
- Regular and smooth, as the surface of water. 平静有规律的和平滑的,比如水平面
- LVC contour has good retentivity and stability. 从LVC辊型上机情况看,LVC辊型有较好的辊形自保持性。
- The young girl had regular and delicate lineament . 这个年轻姑娘的容貌长得端正而且秀丽。
- This and maintaining social order and stability. 这维护了社会的秩序和稳定。
- Our country enjoys peace, and stability. 如今我们国家正是四方安靖的好局面。
- Peace and stability cannot be guaranteed by force. 和平稳定不能以武力作为担保。
- It holds true both for regular and for guerrilla warfare. 正规战争是如此,游击战争也是如此。
- The puppet-show was performed with great regularity and decency. 木偶戏的演出井然有序,也很规矩。
- A budget must allow for both regular and unforeseeable expenses. 一项预算应把固定开支和计划外开支都考虑在内。