- regular script font 楷体
- Han script is a transitional form from seal to regular script. 汉隶是篆字和楷书的过渡。
- He copied this poem in regular script in one-cun-sized characters. 他用寸楷抄写了一遍这首诗。
- The current script of Chinese characters is kaishu (regular script). 历史证明,汉字具有旺盛的生命力。
- On the delivery, receiver is asked to sign the waybill with regular script. 收件人签收邮件时亦应使用正楷签名。
- Li calligraphy developed from zhuan characters but it introduced the kai (regular script) characteristics. 隶书承上启下,上承篆书,下启楷书。
- Meanwhile, kai calligraphy (regular script) and xing calligraphy (semi cursive script) also appeared and developed rapidly. 同时,楷书和行书也出现并快速发展起来。
- The official script in calligraphy is a transition between seal character, and regular script. 隶体是书法从篆体到楷体的过渡。
- Calligraphy in writing is relation one another, at the samt time, they are absolute one another. No mater grass hand or regular script, thet are like so. 书法运笔是相互联系的,同时又是每笔每化是相对独立的层次。
- Deformation and exaggeration are the motivities of the art of calligraphy development, Li script inherits form seal character and it is the fountainhead of regular script. 书法艺术发展的原动力就是变形与夸张。
- Shek Kip flower size, the historywen ren mo ke Cliff left a large number of stone, or Notepad, or lyric, or Lishu, or regular script, rich and colorful. 大小花石峡中,历代文人墨客留下大量摩崖碑刻,或记事,或抒情,或隶书,或楷书,丰富多彩。
- Pencil sketches, handwritten notes, card stocks, watercolor effects, collage art, script fonts, grungy and splatter ink backgrounds (glossy gradients are not "in" this year). 答案是:铅笔的草图、手写的便笺、堆叠的卡片、水彩效果、抽象派艺术、手写体、墨渍斑斑的肮脏背景(光滑的渐变色风格今年已经风光不再)。
- The Connotation of Regular Script and Its Value 楷书的内涵及其价值探讨
- On the Regular Script of Sui Dynasty 隋代书法概论
- Please fill with English regular script 请以英文正楷填写此表格
- The script is massaged into final form. 这篇稿子经过修改已定稿。
- regular script in big characters 大楷
- regular script in small characters 小楷
- I receive a letter from her in her neat script. 我收到她的字体很工整的来信。
- Regular script in the Tang Dynasty 唐楷