- registration of an award 仲裁裁决登记
- A conciliation statement shall have the same legal force as that of an award. 调解书由仲裁员签名,加盖仲裁委员会印章,送达双方当事人。
- The registration of students for an examination has been over. 学生的考试登记已经结束了。
- We enclosed a letter announcing that she was the recipient of an award for her good deeds. 我们还放了一封信,宣称这是她因善行所得到的礼物。
- The national sports association of an individual sport shall manage the registration of athletes of such sport. 第二十九条全国性的单项体育协会对本项目的运动员实行注册管理。
- An enrollment or a registration of names. 注册名字的登入或记录
- Her career climaxed in the award of an Oscar. 她荣获奥斯卡金像奖是她事业的顶峰。
- The registration of bidder have already begin. 投标都登记注册工作已经开始。
- Whoever it was who thought of combining a JCB with a stonkingly huge wooden toy deserves some sort of an award. 无论谁,如果有想法将挖掘机理念融入大型木质玩具的制作上的话,都应受到一定的奖赏。
- For the registration of establishment of an investee company, equities shall not be used for making an initial contribution. 被投资公司设立登记的,股权不能作为其首期出资。
- If the people\'s court overrules the application for cancellation of an award, it shall rule to resume enforcement. 撤销裁决的申请被裁定驳回的,人民法院应当裁定恢复执行。
- Features a guest appearance by American trumpeter Rex Stewart,and winner of an award at the 1948 Cannes Film Festival. 镜头追踪着这些青年人:在街头,在聚会上,在爵士酒吧和表演学校。
- If the registration of an opposed trademark has been announced before the ruling on the opposition becomes effective, the announcement of registration of that trademark is void. 被异议商标在异议裁定生效前公告注册的,该商标的注册公告无效。
- In case the application of an applicant does not meet the statutory requirements, the customs house shall make a written decision on disapproval of the registration of declarers. 申请人的申请不符合法定条件的,海关应当依法作出不准予报关员注册的书面决定。
- Seniority is claimed at the time of filing the CTM.Do not abandon an earlier national right based on Seniority if the national right is also the Base registration of an IR. 申请日从马德里体系接受申请时开始的,不要放弃在先国家权利特别是当该国家权利同时为其国际申请的基础注册条件时。
- And the making of an Award shall be a condition precedent to any right of action against China Communications Insurance. 在公断人未作出公断书之前,被保险人不得对中国交通保险进行起诉。
- The “Registration of Demurrer” is an important legal system. 异议登记是不动产登记制度的重要内容之一,它是为保全真实权利人的不动产物权请求权而进行的登记。
- Registration of Range Data Based on. 基于平面特征的深度图像配准。
- How does one apply for registration of investments? 如何申请投资注册?
- The registration of bidder has already begun. 投标登记注册工作已经开始。