- Skin of supraclavicular region of neck 颈部锁骨上区皮肤
- Sternocleidomastoid region of neck 颈胸锁乳突肌区
- He is an authority in the region of chemistry. 他是化学界的权威。
- It will cost in the region of $500. 它大约得花费五百美元。
- The darkest region of a sunspot. 太阳黑子中的最黑暗的区域
- Including deep fascia of neck and musculas p... 包括颈阔肌、颈深筋膜的彻底松解是手术成功的关键。
- He travelled in the unexplored regions of the mind. 他遨游于那些未经探索的精神领域。
- Of neck edge vertebral painful, what method is treated? 脖子边的脊椎痛,有什么办法治疗?
- The region of the United States west of the Mississippi River. 西部地区美国密西西比河以西的地区
- The nether regions of the earth. 地球底部地区
- The region of the abdomen surrounding the navel. 脐部围绕肚脐的腹部部位
- An inland or upland region of a country. 一个国家的内陆地区或高地
- It is hard to map all the regions of big countries. 为幅员辽阔的国家绘制地图,想把每个地区都详细标注是件困难的事。
- The regions of space beyond the earth's atmosphere. 太空超出地球大气层的空间区域。
- Of, relating to, or located in the region of the neck or throat. 颈的,喉的,位于颈部和喉部的
- Well arched, with nape of neck widening gradually toward body. 颈部略拱,逐渐变宽,与身体结合。
- Localized pain in the region of the heart. 心痛心脏部位的局部疼痛
- A mouse has the same number of neck vertebrae as a giraffe. 老鼠和长颈鹿的颈椎骨数目相同。
- He is earning a salary in the region of 25,000. 他当时的薪金在25,000英镑左右。
- Few people live in the cold regions of the world. 世界上很少有人住在寒冷地区。