- A Theory on the Formation of Regional Capital Market and Deepening of Capital Market of West and Central Area 区域资本理论与中西部资本市场深化
- from last year, to Guangqumen, Shuangjing represented southeast regional capital market competition situation is becoming increasingly fierce. 从去年至今,以广渠门、双井为代表的京城东南区域楼市竞争态势日趋激烈。
- regional capital market 区域性资本市场
- How to Make Savings Flow into Capital Market? 储蓄资金如何进入资本市场?
- Persist in reform of the Capital Market? 资本市场:希望在哪儿?
- Opening The Capital Market What Shall We Do? 资本市场开放:我们还要做什么?
- Analyzing stock investments in capital market. 分析资本市场上的股票投资。
- Second, the interest rate cut helped invigorate the capital market. 二是活跃了资本市常
- Second,the interest rate cut helped invigorate the capital market. 二是利息率降低帮助活跃了资本市场。
- The efficiency of the U.S. capital market is legendary. 美国资金市场效率之高带有一点传奇色彩。
- The Development of Capital Market a New Opportunity of Banking? 资本市场助推银行新发展?
- This rapidly evolving capital market even has its own award. 这一快速进化的投资市场甚至还拥有自己的奖项。
- In Anadyr, the regional capital, there is a cinema, hotel, museum, supermarket and cultural centre. 区首府阿纳德尔还拥有剧场、旅馆、博物馆、超市和文化中心。
- Newly-weds Karina and Anton Bukhanovsky walked hand in hand down the main street of the regional capital of Ulyanovsk. 新婚夫妇卡丽娜和安顿?布克哈诺维斯基手牵着手走在乌里扬诺夫斯克州首府的大街上。
- Nerves are also jangling in the capital markets. 资本市场的紧张论调同样不绝于耳。
- Its primary objective is to invest in local businesses, located in and around the Catalan regional capital. 主要目标是投资当地的、位于家泰罗尼亚资本地区或周围地区的商业。
- The kidnapping occurred in Quetta, the regional capital of Pakistan's Balochistan province. 绑架发生在奎达地区,那里是巴基斯坦俾路支省的首府。
- Eventually, parents are pressured to board buses to a nearby government office in the regional capital of Deyang. 最终,家长们迫于压力还是上了政府安排的大巴,然后被运往了德阳市政府。
- Capital market exchange rate adjustment and financial development II. 资本市场、汇率调整与金融发展2。
- The rationale is the insufficiently free flow of regional capital theory, mainly the "Matai effect" theory. 本文的理论基础是区域资金非充分自由流动理论,主要是“马太效应”理论。