- Regional Remote Sensing Facility [Nairobi] 区域遥感设施
- A region remote from urban areas; backcountry. 腹地远离城区的地区,偏僻地区
- regional remote sensing 区域遥感
- Class B: remote sensing geology exploration. 乙级:遥感地质勘查。
- Knowledge of Remote Sensing applications. 遥感应用知识。
- Expert in Infrared and remote sensing. 红外及遥感专家。
- OMIS imaging spectrometer airborne remote sensing. 标 签 OMIS 成像光谱仪 航空遥感.
- Class B: areal geology survey; remote sensing geology exploration. 2901524乙级:区域地质调查;遥感地质勘查。
- Remote Sensing Analysis of Changes in Land Cover in the Three-Gorges Reservoir Region. 三峡库区土地覆被动态变化遥感分析。
- Typical geologic hazard and its characteristics of remote sensing images in karst region II. 喀斯特地区典型地质灾害及其遥感影像特征2。
- Airborne LIDAR is an active remote sensing technique. 机载激光雷达是一种主动遥感技术。
- Remote sensing imaging features seem clearly distribut of linear. 遥感影像特征十分明显,呈线性展布。
- Remote Sensing Rock Mechanics (RSRM) is a new interdiscipline. 遥感岩石力学(RSRM)是一门新兴的交叉科学。
- Remote sensing techniques have been applied in criminology. 遥感技术被应用于犯罪学中。
- Establishment of snow disaster remote sensing monitoring and damage estimation systems in Altai pastoral region of Xinjiang. 新疆阿勒泰牧区雪灾遥感监测体系构建与灾害评价系统研究
- Satellite remote sensing technology has produced great economic benefits. 卫星遥感技术在国家建设中产生了很大的经济效益。
- Price, John C, 1990. Using Spatial Context in Satellite Data to Infer Regional Scale Evapotranspiration .IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 28(5): 940-948. 刘俊志,(2000),克利金空间推估应用于控制点选取与影像几何校正,国立台湾大学生物环境系统工程研究所硕士论文。
- Landsat Remote Sense New Tech Development Co. 蓝赛特遥感新技术开发公司。
- Satellite Communications, TV, Remote sensing and other related topics. 通讯,电视,远程交互和其他相关主题。
- RS-fathoming is one of the most applications in remote sensing in coast. 水深遥感是遥感在海岸带及近海水域中的重要应用之一。