- The Shanghai Cooperation Organization is a regional organization for multilateral cooperation set up on the basis of the Shanghai Five mechanism. 上海合作组织是在“上海五国”机制的基础上发展起来的一个区域性的、推进多边合作的组织。
- Secondly, as a highly unified regional organization bearing some characteristics of a supranational organization, European Community has very delicate relation with GATT/WTO. 其次,作为一个高度一体化且具备某种超国家特征的区域性组织,欧共体与GATT/WTO的关系也十分微妙。
- A: The Shanghai Cooperation Organization is a regional organization for multilateral cooperation set up on the basis of the Shanghai Five mechanism. 答:上海合作组织是在“上海五国”机制的基础上发展起来的一个区域性的、推进多边合作的组织。
- The southern African regional organization SADCC has called on the political rivals in Madagascar to commit themselves to peaceful negotiations. 南部非洲发展协调会议(SADCC)要求其在马达加斯加的政治对手进行和平谈判。
- How can a regional organization face a civil war in its member state? Upon the question, many people praised the action of ECOWAS in the Liberian civil war. 在当事国所在的区域组织如何面对成员国内战的问题上,利比里亚内战中的西非国家经济共同体的行动受到了国际社会的普遍肯定。
- The resolution states that, the authority and formative methods of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region's regional organization, according to the "Basic Law", will be stipulated by the laws of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. 决定说,香港特别行政区区域组织的职权和组成方法,依《基本法》规定将由香港特别行政区的法律规定。
- Based on considerations on military, economic, social and antidrug necessities, ASEAN members made their decision, however, to invite Myanmar to join the regional organization in 1997. 然而,东考量接纳缅甸可以减低中共对东南亚积极渗透的影响、和缓泰缅边境军事冲突、压制烟毒栽植及贩运,并促进东协对缅甸的贸易投资机会,将有助于东南亚长期的和平与稳定。
- China has played a positive role in the United Nations and other international or regional organizations. 我国在联合国和其他国际及区域性组织中,发挥了积极作用。
- Since it represents 47 per cent of world trade, APEC is regarded as a very significant regionalized organization. 由于亚太经济合作组织代表世界贸易的47%25,它被看作非常重要的地区组织。
- Member States, regional organizations and the UN Secretariat are working to improve overall preparedness, standby capacity, logistical support and training. 会员国、区域组织和联合国秘书处正在努力改进总体的准备待命状态、后备能力、后勤支助和培训。
- Regional organizations such as APEC have already shown considerable progress in these areas. 亚太经合组织等地区组织已在这些领域取得可观进展。
- According to the UN Charter, regional organizations can play a role within the Charter and under UN coordination. 根据联合国宪章,区域性组织可以在联合国宪章以及联合国的协调下发挥作用。
- Viet Nam has played an active and effective role in many regional organizations such as ASEAN, APEC, ASEM and is negotiating for an early accession to the WTO. 越南已经在许多地区性组织中扮演积极有益的角色,例如东盟,亚太经合组织,亚欧会议,并且正在为尽早加入世界贸易组织而谈判。
- The CIS Society of Allergology and Immunology is a WAO member alongside international and regional organizations such as EAACI, AAAAI, and ACAAI. 独联体国家变态反应和免疫学会是WAO会员,也是和EAACI,AAAAI,及ACAAI一样的国际和地区组织。
- To strengthen cooperation between the United Nations and regional organizations, in accordance with the provisions of Chapter VIII of the Charter. - 按照《宪章》第八章的规定,加强联合国同各区域组织之间的合作。
- "We think we are in the presence of a sizable, regionally organized population. “我们认为我们的人口规模较大,而且具有区域组织性。”
- Member States,regional organizations and the UN Secretariat are working to improve overall preparedness,standby capacity,logistical support and training. 会员国、区域组织和联合国秘书处正在努力改进总体的准备待命状态、后备能力、后勤支助和培训。
- We will actively engage in multilateral diplomacy and play a constructive role in the United Nations and other international and regional organizations. 我们要积极拓展多边外交,在联合国和其他国际及区域组织中发挥建设性作用。
- Just school, in a region organized fireworks party, I saw a person like you, where joy to giggle with the students laughed. 刚刚开学,在一次全区组织的焰火晚会上,我看到了一个很像你的人,在那里与同学们欢乐地咯咯地笑着。
- Inter-American Regional Organization of Workers; 美洲区域工人组织;