- regional innovation strategy 区域创新战略
- Regional Innovation System in Initial Shape. 区域创新体系初步形成。
- The regional innovation system took shape in Beijing. 首都区域创新体系初具规模。
- This paper has analyzed the choice of innovation strategy from the perspective of technical spillover. 本论文从技术溢出的角度分析了创新策略的选择。
- In the end, the article tentatively discusses the path choice of structuring the regional innovation network. 文章最后初步讨论了构建区域创新网络的路径选择问题。
- There are many diversities in enterprise innovation strategy choice which is high risk in different ownership and governance structure. 摘要在不同的所有权和治理结构下,企业创新作为一个高风险的战略选择存在很大的差异。
- Transaction cost and moral hazard occurred in the regional innovation system of resource-based cities are studied. 研究了资源型城市区域创新系统中的交易费用和道德风险,提出了整合内部创新资源和利用外部创新资源构建资源型城市区域创新系统的对策。
- At the third step, five practical implementations are made up to guarantee technological innovation strategy of XM Company. 第三步,从技术创新体制、企业文化、人才培养、技术研发等方面提出了五项具体的战略措施,从而保障技术创新战略顺利实施。
- Create an on-line “Regional Innovation Bank” of exemplars and feature stories in your region. 将您所属区域的范例和经典故事,加入网站中,藉此建立”区域性的创新智库”
- The study of this part proves the feature and changing course of regional innovation milieu of rural industry agglomeration district. 这一部分的研究揭示了农村工业集聚区内区域创新环境的特点和演化过程。
- Unsurprisingly, as interoperability becomes the technical locus of innovation strategy worldwide, regulators may feel compelled to enshrine, loosen or shatter market standards. 不奇怪的是,随着互操作性成为全球创新战略的技术关键,监管者可能觉得有必要规定、放宽或打破市场标准。
- Finance literature has mainly looked at the cost implication of debt versus equity financ Boobs ng whenconsidering the determinants of a firm's innovation strategy. 当考虑一个公司的创新战略的决策时,金融文献的研究主要看负债与金融资产净值的潜在成本。
- Cooke P,Hans Joachim Brazyk H J,Heidenreich M. Regional Innovation Systerms:The Role of Governance in the Globalized Word[M]. London:UCL Press,1996. 魏守华;王缉慈;赵雅沁.;产业集群:新型区域经济发展理论[J];经济经纬,2002(2):1821
- The choice of innovation strategy has a close relationship with market mechanism, resource situation, enterprise organization and the situation of economic development. 创新战略的选择与市场体制、资源状况、企业组织及经济发展状况等有着密切的关系。
- Wiig H, Wood M.: What comprise a Regional Innovation System? [J/OL] An Empirical Study, 1999.Http://web.sol.no/step/195/195.htm. 林迎星:“区域创新系统建设与区域竞争优势的关系探讨”,中国科技论坛,2005年第5期。
- The implementation of technical innovation strategy ensures Holley's leading position in various fields, maximizing the added value of products and service. 技术创新战略的实施,确立起华立在各产业领域的技术领先优势,获取产品和服务的最大增值。
- This paper just discusses how to construct Langfang Regional Innovation System by its definition and construction model. 本文从区域创新系统的概念及构建模式入手探讨了构建廊坊区域创新系统的问题研究。
- Finance literature has mainly looked at the cost implication of debtversus equity financing when considering Boobs the determinants of a wfirm's innovation strategy. 当考虑一个公司的创新战略的决策时,金融文献的研究主要看负债与金融资产净值的潜在成本。
- The innovation strategies of regional collaboration healthcare system(RCHS) could be divided into broadwise and endwise with the view of systematology and synergetics. 为制定区域协同医疗服务体系创新战略,应用系统论和协同论观点,将区域协同医疗服务体系的创新从横向和纵向进行划分。
- The incubator is the cradle of breeding small and middle sci-tech firms,and is the critical part of high-tech industrialization and regional innovation system. 孵化器是培育中小型科技企业的摇篮,是高新技术产业化和区域创新体系的重要组成部分。