- East Asian Regional Cooperation: Bilateral Free Trade Agreement Net or Regional Economic Integration? 东亚区域合作:双边自由贸易协定网还是区域经济一体化?
- Integration e. G. Regional economic integration is beyond any doubt a historical trend. 地区经济一体化无疑是个历史潮流。
- Three key words to note: economic globalization, trade and investment liberalization, regional economic integration. 记住三个词:经济全球化,贸易投资自由化,区域经济一体化。
- The signature of the treaty symbolizes the beginning of the regional economic integration. 这个协议的签署象征着区域经济一体化的开启。
- Regional economic integration has become an unstoppable trend throughout the world. 地区经济融合成为世界上不可阻挡的潮流。
- As an important supplement to such a trading regime, regional economic integration should be vigorously promoted. 作为多边贸易体制的重要补充,积极推进区域经济一体化的进程。
- Meanwhile, the regional economic integration arises vibrantly and enjoys rapid development. 而同时应运而生并得到迅速发展的,则是充满活力的区域经济一体化。
- Recently, there has been a strong trend of Regional Economic Integration (REI) among international economic relations. 摘要区域经济一体化是当今国际经济关系中一股不可抗拒的潮流。
- In order to realize Regional Economic Integration, the paper brings forward approaches from government, enterprise andt traffic. 提出未来实现大珠三角区域一体化的目标,从政府、企业、交通等多个层面具体的实现途径。
- Area economic integration (the dominant form that Regional Economic Inte-gration) is current international economy and trade development. 区域经济一体化(Regional Economic Inte-gration)是当今国际经济与贸易发展的主导形式。
- A regional association contributing to the comprehensive regional economic integration of its members may be granted GSP cumulation benefits. 加入综合区域经济集团成员国的区域性联盟,可得到普惠制的累积优惠额。
- In recent years, the regional economic integration within ASEAN has been in the ascendant and a series of structural changes have emerged. 摘要近年来,东盟的区域经济一体化方兴未艾,并出现一系列格局性变化。
- Abstract: The tiptop ambit of regional economic and financial cooperation just is complete economic integration,which has became the historic tide in the present world. 文章摘要: 区域经济金融合作的最高境界就是完全的经济一体化。
- China should, on the one hand, join actively in APEC's actions, on the other hand, promote the building of "10 plus 3", and lay emphasis on the regional economic integration. 中国一方面积极参与APEC活动,一方面积极推动"10+3"组织模式的建立,把区域经济一体化作为中国参加世界经济活动的侧重点。
- The tiptop ambit of regional economic and financial cooperation just is complete economic integration,which has became the historic tide in the present world. 区域经济金融合作的最高境界就是完全的经济一体化,这已成为当代世界一股不可阻挡的潮流。
- I don't think [central banks] have done enough to control the perception of high prices,” said Lee Jong-wha, head of the ADB's office of regional economic integration. 亚行区域经济一体化办公室负责人李钟和(LeeJong-Wha)表示:“我认为,各国央行还未采取足够措施来影响人们对于高物价的看法。
- In the world of accelerated economic globalization, regional economic integration, marked the emergence of regional economic cooperation a good momentum of development. 在世界经济全球化加速发展的同时,以地区经济一体化为标志的区域经济合作出现了良好的发展势头。
- The three East Asian leaders also vowed to work together for closer regional economic integration, aiming eventually for a bloc something like the European Union. 三位东亚领导人保证会为加强地区合作而共同努力,旨在建立一个类似于欧盟的集团。
- The overall strategic goal of Pan-Pearl River Delta (PPRD) regional economic cooperation is to achieve regional economic integration, in order to carry out this objective, it is crucial to cultivate and build a common market. 泛珠三角区域经济合作的总体战略目标就是实现区域经济一体化,要达到这一目标,关键在于培育和构建共同市场;
- The regional economic integration or its coordinative development, which is related to economic marketnization, is the key condition for Wenzhou regional economic sustainable development. 摘要与经济市场化相联系的区域经济一体化或区域经济的协调发展,是温州区域经济持续发展的重要条件。