- Washington has openly called for regime change in Iran. 华府已公开呼吁伊朗更换政权。
- The U.S, leading war over IRAQ has caused regime change of SADAM . 美国发动的伊拉克战争导致了萨达姆政权得更迭。
- An “axis of evil” branded ripe for “regime change”. “邪恶轴心”“政权更迭”的时机已经成熟。
- In discussions with America about how to handle North Korea, China has emphasised that talk of regime change is taboo. 在于美国探讨如何处理北朝鲜的问题时,中国强调任何关于政权更替的谈话都是禁忌。
- There are those that may not happen quickly, such as a violent regime change in Saudi Arabia, but which would be very disruptive if they did. 有些事件,如沙特阿拉伯发生暴力政权更替,可能不会很快成为现实,但一旦发生将具有很大的破坏力。
- What Lesson Can Be Drawn From Zheng Regime Change From Refusal of Unification to Coming Over and Pledging Allegiance? 台湾郑氏政权从拒统到归顺的历史鉴戒?
- He implied that regime change in Iraq might be followed by regime change in North Korea and Iran. 他暗示伊拉克的政权转变将引起朝鲜和伊朗的连锁反应。
- Behind the intelligence reports are neo-conservative Americans with one aim in mind: regime change. 而隐藏在这些情报报告之后的则是那些奉行新保守主义的美国人,他们心中的目标只有一个:政权更迭。
- Much as it resents the behaviour of North Korea's Kim Jong Il, China is not pushing for regime change. 虽然中国对于朝鲜金正日的所作所为非常愤恨,但并不寻求其政权改变。
- The next step in Russia's invasion script, of disinformation and annexation, is regime change. 俄罗斯入侵图谋(靠散步假情报和武力吞并)的下一步是更换政权。
- Pushing for regime change is still better than accepting North Korea as a nuclear power, in Mr Cossa's view. Cossa先生认为,促使朝鲜政权更迭仍然是个比接受其成为一个核国家更好的选择。
- The muscular American approach to effecting regime change has few takers these days. 这些日子很少会有人接受美国的强硬方式来达到国家政体改良的目的。
- Mr Bolton recently argued, in an interview with the American Interest, that the way to get rid of North Korea's nuclear weapons was“ regime change”. 博尔顿最近在接受《美国瞩目》节目采访时认为,要想让朝鲜半岛无核化,最佳方案便是让朝鲜“改朝换代”。
- "There certainly are people who are pushing for a more aggressive policy, for a policy of regime change, for a policy of military strikes. 可以肯定的是他们正在为更多的具有侵略性的政策,政权变更以及军事打击的政策努力争取着。
- However, the society after all was shocked by the regime change,which made the climate of Qing Dynasty differ from that of Late Ming. 因而较快地恢复了文学的生气,同时也就较多地承继了晚明文坛故习与晚明文学思想的旧趋。
- There certainly are people who are pushing for a more aggressive policy, for a policy of regime change, for a policy of military strikes. 肯定有人想推行激进政策,如改变伊朗政权、进行军事打击等。。。。
- By 2004, the evidence that Iran was developing weapons of mass destruction is much more solid than that used to justify regime change in Iraq. 2004年的时候,与用于证明更迭伊拉克政权合理性的证据相比,显示伊朗正在发展大规模杀伤性武器的证据显得更加确实可靠。
- "The certainly all people who are pushing for a more aggressive policy, for a policy of regime change, for a policy of military strikes. “肯定有些人想要推行更具有侵略性的政策,推行对伊朗进行政权变革的政策,推行军事打击的政策。
- Two prominent figures from the Clinton administration, Richard Holbrooke and Ronald Asmus argue that Putin's real goal is "regime change" in Georgia. 两个突出的数字,从克林顿政府时期,霍尔布鲁克和夏佳理asmus认为,普京的真正的目标是“政权更替”在格鲁吉亚。
- It quotes him as saying "the Mugabe government is committing regime change upon itself," by carrying out what he calls "disastrous economic policies. 该报援引戴尔大使的话说,“穆加贝政府正在自我制造政权转移”,因为其执行“灾难性经济政策”。