- The danger recalled him to a sense of duty. 这危险的事唤起了他的责任感。
- He was dismissed for neglect of duty. 他因玩忽职守而被开除了。
- He blamed you for the neglect of duty. 他责备你怠忽职守。
- He has shown a persistent neglect of duty. 他一贯玩忽职守。
- Assisting clients to get their refund of duty paid on imports and exports; 协助办理进出口货物的退税;
- His father tried to awake him to a sense of duty. 他父亲试图使他认识到自己的责任。
- We insisted on a refund of the full amount. 我们坚决要求全额退款。
- She was severely criticized for neglect of duty. 她因玩忽职守而受到严厉批评。
- I demand a full refund of the amount paid. 我们要求赔偿全部损失。
- Can I have a full refund of my ticket? 我能得到全额退款吗?
- His heroic action stemmed from a strong sense of duty. 他的英勇行为来源于强烈的责任感。
- Applicable to refund of the whole Order Form. 适用于退还整张订购单的款项。
- This is the refund of your fare. 这是退给您的车票钱。
- His sense of duty prick him on to finish the work on time. 他的责任心驱使他按时完成工作。
- His sense of duty pricked him off to finish the work on time. 他的责任心驱使他按时完成工作。
- His sense of duty pricked him on to finish the work on time. 他的责任心驱使他按时完成工作。
- View on Refund of Duty and It's Identity with International Practice from Jiangsu's Foreign Trade 从江苏外贸出口看出口退税与国际接轨
- There will be no refund of fees once payment is possessed. 所有费用一经交付,恕不退还;
- He was assiduous in performance of duty. 他勤勉地履行职责。
- We offer unconditional guaranteed refund of any defective goods. 我们无条件保证全数收回一切有瑕疵的产品。