- Many problems occur in reforms of rural organizations at the basic level, especially in reforms of taxation system since liberation of China. 解放后我国农村基层组织经过了多次改革,特别是税费制度改革后出现了一系列新问题。
- reforms of taxation system 税费改革
- Tremendous achievements have been made in the reform of the fiscal and taxation system. 财税体制改革取得巨大成功。
- Noticeable results were also achieved in the reform of the taxation system and the tax collection and management. 税制改革和税收征管改革成效显著。
- reform of taxation system 税制改革
- reforms of classified taxation system 分税制财政体制改革
- Legitimacy of taxation concerns not only legitimacy of the state political power, but also of taxation system and its function. 税收合法性不仅事关国家政治权力的合法性,而且也事关国家税收制度的合法性以及国家税收职能的实现。
- A new system of taxation will be brought into effect next year. 新的税收制度将于明年实行。
- Cash flow system of taxation System of taxation whereby all expenditures are deducted from the income base in the same year as they are incurred. 现金流量计税制指一种税收制度,其中所有支出都从其发生的同一年度中从收入基础上减除。
- Secondly, the author amply designs taxation elements of one-man company in the light of taxation system of individual enterprise. 其次,参照现行的个人独资企业税制,对自然人一人公司的课税要件进行了详细地设计。
- They called for a radical reform of our tax system. 他们要求对税收制度进行根本改革。
- The reform of financial and educational systems have deepened,and active preparations are being made for the reform of health care,investment,financing and taxation systems. 此外,医疗保障制度、投融资体制、完善财税体制等项改革都在积极准备。
- The reform of financial and educational systems have deepened, and active preparations are being made for the reform of health care, investment, financing and taxation systems. 此外,医疗保障制度、投融资体制、完善财税体制等项改革都在积极准备。
- Any system of taxation lends itself to manipulation by clever or unscrupulous men. 任何税收制度都有可能被那些狡猾诡诈的人或无耻之徒钻空子。
- We should deepen the reform of the system of trade and economic relations with other countries, encouraging more enterprises to engage in foreign trade and improving relevant taxation systems and the trade financing mechanism. 深化外经贸体制改革,推进外贸主体多元化,完善有关税收制度和贸易融资机制。
- The expansion of Edward I accelerated the development of feudal society in the Celtic district, promoted the association between two districts, and advanced the institution reform of taxation, military and parliament of England. 爱德华一世的扩张加速了凯尔特地区的封建化进程,以暴力方式密切了英格兰封建文明与凯尔特文明间的交往,同时也推动了英格兰社会内部税收、军事、议会等制度的变革。
- reformation of taxation system 税收制度改革
- We should deepen the reform of the system of trade and economic relations with other countries,encouraging more enterprises to engage in foreign trade and improving relevant taxation systems and the trade financing mechanism. 深化外经贸体制改革,推进外贸主体多元化,完善有关税收制度和贸易融资机制。
- Reflections on deepening the reform of national taxation system 深化我国税制改革的思考
- reform of taxation in insurance industry 保险业税制改革