- China is carrying out the reform and open policy. 中国正在实行改革开放。
- The reform and open policy is the long term strategyof our country. 改革开放是我国长期的战略方针。
- Emancipates the mind unceasingly, takes the lead reform and open policy. 不断解放思想,率先改革开放。
- China reform and open policy is one has the innovation significance attempt. 中国改革开放是一个非常有创新意义的尝试。
- After the reforming and opening policy in 1978, China"s social structure has entered a new fluxing age. 1978年改革开放以来,我国社会阶层结构进入了一个前所未有的大变迁时代,原有社会阶层发生分化,同时出现了新的社会阶层。
- Its industrial structural involution accords with the national development stages since 1978's Reforming And Opening Policy. 改革开放以来,徐州的产业结构演进符合全国发展的一般规律。
- Great changes have taken place in China since the introduction of the reform and opening policy. 改革开放以来,中国发生了巨大的变化。
- The reform and opening policy paves the way for the prosperous of Chinese economy and national development. 改革开放政策为中国经济腾飞于民族振兴铺平了道路。
- Thanks to the introduction of our reform and opening policy, our comprehensive national strength has greatly improved. 由于我们实行了改革开放政策,我国的综合国力有了明显的增强。
- With the introduction of the reform and opening policy, Daguan Yuan began to redevelop. 上世纪90年代初,大观园迎来了它的再度辉煌。
- The reform and open policy has Brought us Chinese people a rich and colourful life. 改革开放的政策给我们中国人民带来了富裕和多彩的生活。
- Our reform and open policy have won acclaim of the people of all countries .We have friends all over the world . 我们的改革开放政策已经获得全世界人民的赞扬,我们的朋友遍天下。
- But at the same time, the reform and opening policy is accompanied by the long-period of antidumping in the exportation of China's products. 但与此同时,与改革开放的历史相伴相长的国际反倾销浪潮却给我国外贸出口前景投下了阴影。
- The reform and open policy 30 years, the Jiangjin sweet orange development entered the industrial production new stage. 改革开放三十年,江津柑桔发展进入了产业化新阶段。
- What we conduct is the unequalled Olympic Games, has unfolded a China reform and open policy 30 year achievement. 我们举办的是无与伦比的奥运会,展现了中国改革开放30年的成果。
- The reform and open policy is the primary impetus behind China's economic recovery. 改革开放政策是促进中国 经济恢复的主要推动力.
- If only we persist in the reform and open policy, we will build a mightiness country. 只要我们坚持改革开放政策,就一定能把我国建设成强大的国家。
- The reform and opening policy drives Chinese to push forward greatly, and the obvious reflection is that many old words give birth to new meanings. 改革开放极大地推动了汉语的发展,其中突出的表现是有很大一部分旧词产生了新义。
- The reform and open policy has brought us Chinese people a rich and colorful life. 改革开放的政策给我们中国人民带来了富裕和多彩的生活。
- The number ofvisitors has increased year by year. As a result of Reform and Open Policy, the number of them has been increasing greatly each year. 游客的数量逐年递增,由于改革开发政策,游客的数量已经每年大幅增加。