- Since the 21st century, there is a growing emphasis on English Teaching (ET). 摘要进入21世纪以来,人们越来越重视英语教学。
- reform on English teaching 英语教学改革
- Includes annotated bibliography on English Teaching Methodologies and related websites. 包含英语教学法的注解书目与相关网站。
- Huang, C.C. (2001) An investigation of ESP students' vocabulary knowledge and reading comprehension. Selected Papers from the Tenth International Symposium on English Teaching (pp.435-445). Taipei: Crane Publishing Co. 黄金诚、陈秀文、林秀芝、苏淑贞(2002),国立屏东科技大学实施英语文能力分班教学现况捡讨,第十七届全国技术及职业教育研讨会论文集,页69-79。
- Application and development of the second language acquisition(SLA )theory are of some enlightenment on English teaching in vocational colleges and can promote solution of the problems. 第二语言习得理论的运用与发展,对高职英语教学改革有一定的启示,可促进问题的解决。
- Klassen, J. (1994). The language learning strategies of freshman English students in Taiwan: A case study. Paper presented at the 3rd international symposium and book fair on English teaching, Taipei. 洪铨修),(1994).;高级工商职业学校英文教师对英语文教育之观点研究。行政院国科会:台北市。
- He is a noted authority on English literature. 他是著名的英国文学权威。
- Reform on English Teacher's Feedback Words in Class 改进英语教师的课堂反馈话语
- Further Study on English Teaching 对英语教学的再认识
- I heard the professor's discourse on English lexicography. 我听了教授所作的关於英语辞典学的学术讲演。
- Pragmatics Influence on English Teaching 语用学对英语教学的影响
- The vitals of assault on reform is the reform on government system. 改革攻坚的要害是政府体制改革。
- In Rome it's no problem getting around on English. 在罗马说英语不会有什么问题的。
- Jury trial was introduced on English lines. 陪审团审判是按英国方式引进的。
- Considerations on English Teaching Reform of SBE at Colleges of Science and Engineering 关于理工科专业英语教学改革的若干思考
- Some members of the government flew a kite about wage reform on television. 几位官员在电视上发表讲话,试探公众对工资改革的意见。
- The backwash Effect Of CET Writing On English Teaching CET写作对英语教学的作用
- The next big influence on English was Christianity. 另一个对英语产生重大影响的因素是基督教。
- Advanced Model of English Teaching. 先进的外语教学模式。
- Mr Hu asked Jim to give a talk on English names. 胡老师请吉姆作一个关于英国人的名字的报告。