- How to educate taxpaying compliance, how to optimize tax administration, reduce the revenue from tax evasion become an important lesson in the reform of tax collection and administration. 如何培养纳税遵从,如何减少税收流失,如何提高税收征管水平成为我国征管改革的一个重要课题。
- The State Taxation Administration shall, in combination with deepening the reform of tax collection administration, earnestly conduct the organization, guidance, supervision and inspection of this work. 国家税务总局要结合深化税收征管改革,切实做好对这项工作的组织指导和监督检查。
- They called for a radical reform of our tax system. 他们要求对税收制度进行根本改革。
- The focus of informationization was shifted to the application of tax administration with data. 推进信息化工作重点转移,加快了数据管理应用步伐。
- She is one of the strongest opponents of tax reform. 她是税收改革最强烈的反对者之一。
- Tax administrative penalty is an important administrative behavior of tax. 税务行政处罚是一项重要的税务行政行为。
- It is a historic task for the workers to guide and promote our reform of tax collection and practice and to realize tax information with the method of organizational theor... 在税收管理信息化的过程中,学习型组织理论以其对税收文化的适应性,将对加速税收信息化的进程发挥巨大的作用。
- The theory is based on studying gambling between the both two, focused on taxpayer , and primarily analyze the improvement of taxpaying compliance from optimization of tax administration. 纳税遵从理论正是基于以纳税人为中心和对征纳双方的税收博弈分析来研究税收征纳关系,并主要从税制管理优化角度研究纳税遵从的提高。
- So the reform of tax system should be insisted,tax preference should be further standarded and the preferential policies should be concise so as to keep added value tax scientific and serious. 应坚持税制改革的指导思想,逐步规范税收优惠,优惠政策要少而精,尽量取消减免税,以保持增值税的科学性和严肃性
- The jungle of tax laws is a headache. 繁复的税则令人头痛。
- Be responsible for various tax administrations work under the leadership of tax supervisor. 负责公司发票、收据领、用、存的管理和登记工作。
- Reform of taxes and administrative charges is one of the focuses of our work in this year's government report. 税费改革是今年的政府工作报告中明确提到的工作重点之一。
- The reform of the tax system proved effective. 税收制度改革证明很有成效。
- Illegal non-payment of tax is "tax evasion". 不合法的不上税是"逃税"。
- Caribbean Organization of Tax Administration 加勒比税务管理组织(税务组织)
- The best way of doing that would be to introduce road pricing along with a reform of the inefficient system of taxing and investing in transport. 最好的办法就是在引进道路计费系统的同时,还要改革交通运输投资与征税的效率低下问题。
- The net result of tax changes was to make the rich even richer. 税制改革的最后结果是使有钱的人更有钱。
- They called for radical reform of our tax system. 他们要求对税收制度进行根本改革。
- Commonwealth Association of Tax Administration 英联邦税务管理人员协会