- Adapted to the reflow soldering. 适应于回流焊接。
- Reflow solder paste in 2 hours as soon as possible after printing. 印刷后要在2小时内回流焊膏。
- Compatible with infrared and vapor phase reflow solder process. 适用于回流焊接工艺。
- In SMT reflow soldering process,profiling a PCBA is a extremely important step. 在SMT回流焊的整个流程中,为组装电路板设定合适的温度分布曲线是十分重要的一个环节。
- What other issues can be expected with the conversion to lead-free reflow soldering? 转变到无铅回流焊接还会遇到什么问题?
- Lead-free wave soldering, wave soldering wave peak welding machines, reflow soldering machine. 无铅波峰焊,波波峰焊,峰焊接机,回流焊接机。
- After reflow soldering and restored at room temperature, they meet the characteristics listed below. 經過回流焊並冷卻至室溫後,電容器的特性符合下表的要求。
- In the course of the lead free reflow soldering,lead and Lead free of reflow soldering affect the quality of product. 在再流焊无铅化过程中,再流焊的有铅要素与无铅要素的兼容性直接影响产品质量。
- Development of advanced electronic package devices promoted the study on the reflow soldering. 先进电子封装器件的出现推动了再流焊方法和设备的研究。
- Delamination caused by electrical-over-stress (EOS) and moisture expansion during reflow soldering have shown different delamination patterns. 由过电应力(EOS)和再流焊中的水汽膨胀引起的分层会显示出不同的失效模式。
- This article expounds the future development of reflow soldering technology according to the changes of technology in SMT. 主要针对SMT技术发生的巨大变化,对再流焊技术未来发展进行了简单的阐述。
- Solder paste is essential material in SMT, which is widely used in reflow soldering. 焊膏是SMT工艺中不可缺少的钎焊材料,广泛应用于再流焊中;
- It is compatible with automatic placement equipment and is designed for either reflow soldering or a lead (Pb)-free solder process. 该器件可与自动贴装设备兼容,并且面向再流焊接或无铅(Pb)焊接工艺而设计。
- Reflow Soldering: Melting, joining and solidification of two coated metal layers by application of heat to the surface and predeposited solder paste. 回流焊:应用加热金属涂敷层的表面和预涂焊膏,熔融,连接和凝固两个金属涂层。
- Adhesives are used in both wave and reflow soldering to maintain surface mount component(SMD) positioning and orientation on the prin ted circuit board(PCB). 在波峰焊及回流焊过程中使用胶粘剂,以保持SMD(表面贴装器件)在PCB上的位置及方向。
- Tombstone phenomenon results from unbalance of solder surface tension on two pads of component soldering terminal during reflow soldering. “竖碑”现象是元件两端焊盘上的焊膏在回流熔化时对元件两个焊接端的表面张力不平衡所致。
- Introducing the general technology requirements for reflow soldering and typical temperature profile and technical parameter of the main control point at the temperature profile. 介绍了再流焊机的一般技术要求,并给出了典型焊接温度曲线以及温度曲线上主要控制点的工艺参数。
- Lead-Free N2/ AIR Reflow Soldering Machine, Automatic Lead-Free Dual Wave Soldering Machine, Semi-Auto Solder Paste Printer, loader, unloader, buffer conveyor, NG/ OK buffer loader. 热风回流焊锡机,全自动无铅双波峰焊锡机。锡膏印刷机,上板机,下板机,缓冲输送机,NG/K暂存机等。
- Lead-Free N2/ AIR Reflow Soldering Machine, Automatic Lead-Free Dual Wave Soldering Machine, Semi-Auto Solder Paste Printer, loader, unloader, buffer conveyor, multi-function buffer loader, AOI. 热风回流焊锡机,全自动无铅双波峰焊锡机,锡膏印刷机,送板机,收板机,缓冲输送机,多功能暂存机,AOI等。
- Lead-Free N2 /AIR Reflow Soldering Machine, Automatic Lead-Free Dual Wave Soldering Machine, Semi-Auto Solder Paste Printer, loader, unloader, buffer conveyor, NG/OK buffer loader. 热风回流焊锡机,全自动无铅双波峰焊锡机。锡膏印刷机,上板机,下板机,缓冲输送机,NG/OK暂存机等。