- time-resolved reflection measurement 时间分辨反射测量
- Time domain reflection measurement 时域反射测量
- The longitudinal and transverse optical phonon energies were obtained by the Raman scattering and the far infrared reflectivity measurement. 纵向和横向光学声子能量是用拉曼散射和红外线反射量测所获得的。
- A continuous-wave cavity ring-down spectroscopy(CW-CRDS) technique employing a broad-band diode laser is developed for the high reflectivity measurement. 提出了基于宽谱半导体激光器连续激光光腔衰荡法测量高反射率的方法,给出了方波调制连续激光光腔衰荡法理论。
- Children's bad behavior is often a reflection on their parents. 小孩的坏品行常常有损父母的名誉。
- On reflection, he agreed to the plan. 经考虑后,他同意了这项计划。
- He has to reflect on what answer to give. 他得思考一下如何答复。
- She decided, on reflection, to accept the offer. 她重新考虑後,决定接受那个建议。
- Total Reflection Measurement of Surface Topo-graphy at Nanometer Level 表面形貌的光全反射纳米级测量
- This mess is a (poor) reflection on her competence. 这种混乱情况说明她难当此任。
- He continued to reflect upon it. 他继续思索这个问题。
- The girl is a reflection of her mother. 那女孩长得和她母亲一模一样。
- After long reflection we decided to buy the house. 经过很长一段时间的慎重考虑,我们决定买下那所房子。
- This is a reflection upon your honor. 这对你的名誉是一个损害。
- The optical properties of GaN, AlN and AlGaN grown on sapphire substrates were investigated by means of transmittance and reflectance measurements. 用穿透及反射量测以蓝宝石为基板的氮化镓、氮化铝及氮化铝镓的光学性质已经被探讨。
- On further reflection she saw her mistake. 进一步细想后,她明白了自己的错误。
- Scientific measurement of the head. 头测量学,头测量学,测颅学头颅的科学测量
- On reflection, we decided to change our plan. 经考虑后,我们决定改变计划。
- Measurement of the depth of large bodies of water. 海洋测深学,海洋测深术测量大水域的深度
- Forage canopy spectral reflectance measurements (350nm to 2500 nm) were made weekly using ASD Fieldspec in eight random spots in each of the three pastures. 试验选择3个草场,每个草场随机选取8个观测点,每周用ASD Fieldspec收集饲草的冠层反射率的数据(波段从350nm到2500nm)。