- reference knowledge base 咨询知识库
- Knowledge Base articles can be found on the. 网站上找到知识库文章。
- For information about running Windows SharePoint Services using Kerberos authentication, refer to Microsoft Knowledge Base Article KB832769. 有关使用Kerberos身份验证运行Windows SharePoint Services的信息,请参考Microsoft知识库文章KB832769。
- For information about running Windows SharePoint Services with another Web application, refer to Microsoft Knowledge Base Article KB823265. 有关Windows SharePoint Services与另一个Web应用程序一起运行的信息,请参考Microsoft知识库文章KB823265。
- The difference is that medicine has an established knowledge base and law a corpus of cases, to which all practitioners refer. 区别在于,医学有个已经确立的知识基础,而法学有案例大全,这些都可供所有从业者参考。
- You can also search for solutions in the Microsoft Knowledge Base. 也可以在Microsoft知识库中搜索解决方案。
- Key word: expert consultant system; gas; knowledge base. 关键词:专家系统、矿井瓦斯、知识库。
- Knowledge base system(KBS) is a core component of expert system. 知识库是专家系统的核心组成部分。
- Where Can I Find Microsoft Knowledge Base Articles on Database Topics? 哪里可以找到有关数据库主题的Microsoft知识库文章?
- The command line and instructions are included in the Knowledge Base article. 中包含了命令行和说明。
- Please see the Knowledge Base Articles KB928366 for more information. 有关更多信息,请参阅知识库文章KB928366。
- In this paper, a Knowledge Base System L1 KBS of L1 Language is discussed. L1语言是为开发机器学习系统而研制的。 本文在分析了机器学习系统的特征以后,讨论L1语言所设置的知识库系统LIKBS。
- For additional information about this download, including known issues and development recommendations, please refer to the Knowledge Base article, "Windows Help program (WinHlp32. Exe) is no longer included with Windows". 有关该下载的其他信息;包括已知问题和开发建议;请参阅知识库文章“Windows不再附带Windows帮助程序(WinHlp32.;exe)”。
- Inventions differ in terms of the age of the knowledge base they build upon. 其他人认为创新随着知识基不同的阶段而变化。
- His articles shows that he has wide knowledge base, and a powerful memory. 你看他的文章,就知道其人博闻强志。
- Based on the Dexter hypertext reference model, a hypertext structure model of knowledge base is presented according to the special needs of designing CAI coursewares in the paper. 本文在Dexter超文本参考模型的基础上,针对CAI课件设计中的特殊需要,提出一种超文本知识库结构模型。
- More specific errors and problems are addressed in other Microsoft Knowledge Base articles. 其他Microsoft知识库文章中解决具体错误和问题。
- Lester Thurow discusses the Knowledge Based Economy and Global Competition. 莱斯特.;梭罗;将讨论知识经济和全球竞争。
- To find out whether your computer can start up in Mac OS 9, check the AppleCare Knowledge Base on Apple's website. 要了解您的电脑是否可以从Mac OS 9启动,请查阅Apple网站上的AppleCare Knowledge Base(AppleCare资料库)。
- Find links to Knowledge Base (KB) articles and other resources, including e-mail, online, and phone support. 查找指向知识库(KB)文章和其他资源(包括电子邮件支持、在线支持和电话支持)的链接。