- The boy's father came up to the school prepared to create bloody murder, but he gradually calmed down as the facts of the cause were explained to him. 这个男孩的父亲来到学校准备大闹一场,但当校方把事情的真相一件件向他解释清楚时,他渐渐地冷静了下来。
- refer to the facts of history 提到史实
- The criterion of verification refers to the extent to which the proof and the facts of the case are connected with each other so that the facts for the case can be relived. 证明标准是证据与案件事实之间的联系应当达到何种程度,才能足以再现案件的事实。
- Please refer to the reverse side of this sheet. 请阅读委托单说明。
- The facts of a case found out and determined in the phase of investigation refer to those legally prescribed in evidence "reconstruction". 侦查阶段查明和认定的案件事实,是运用证据“重建”的法律中规定的案件事实,“重建”的案件事实是对客观事实的虚拟性再现。
- Of or relating to the character of history. 历史的属于或有关历史的
- Your guess only approximates to the facts. 你的猜测仅仅是接近事实。
- Your story shows little resemblance to the facts. 你说的与事实相去甚远。
- Pls refer to the Bank of China for our credit. 有关我方信用状况,请向中国银行查询。
- Don't romanticize stick to the facts. 别夸夸其谈了--说实际的吧。
- It does not refer to the re-engineering of the AMS. 而并非涉及本队架构重组。
- Please refer to the attached picture of Velvet art. 请参考附加的天鹅绒艺术的照片.
- All other anxieties paled beside the terrible fact of the fire coming close to the town. 大火逼近城镇,这可怕的事实使其他令人焦虑的事都显得微不足道了。
- The press will give publicity to the fact. 出版社将把事实真相公诸于世。
- Due to (the fact that)AAA actual order is lower than original forecast,so I have to update the goal this month.Please refer to the attachment. 由于AAA的实际订单数量比预期的要少,所以我不得不更新本月的目标。请看附件。
- The fact is an open secret to the few. 那事实对少数人是一种公开的私密。
- He frequently referred to the notes during the course of the talk. 讲话时他经常参考笔记。
- Through referring to archives dossier files, the fact of criminal detention term enforced by the police is seen. 摘要通过案卷查阅,了解公安机关对犯罪嫌疑人实施拘留期限的状况。
- We don't want to hear your opinions; stick to the facts! 我们不想听你的想法,只讲事实!
- For operation refer to the stylebook of VCB. 断路器的操作详见断路器样本。