- reducer for conveyer 输送机用减速机
- Acetaminophen is valued as a pain and fever reducer for adults and children. 醋氨酚对于减轻成人和孩子的疼痛和发热是很有价值的。
- She has been reducing for the last few weeks. 她在最近几周一直在节食减肥。
- She has been reducing for the last few weeks . 最近几个星期她一直在节食。
- At last,we discuses the use of pour point depressant and viscosity reducer for super viscosity crude oil. 同时对特稠油的降凝降粘应用作了一定探讨。
- Its another, older, usage is a synonym for conveyance. 它的另一个更古老的习惯用法是作为财产转让的同义词使用。
- The old convict's sentence was reduced for good behavior. 年迈的囚犯因行为良好而获得减刑。
- The criminal's sentence has been reduced for good behaviour. 罪犯因守法良好而获减刑。
- The BR/LDPE composite used for conveyer belt was produced with sulfur and the accelerator by mixing in Banbury mixer 35 parts of natural rubber, 40 parts of BR, 25 parts of LDRE. 采用天然橡胶35份,顺丁橡胶40份,高压聚乙烯25份的配比;
- Shear lag is reduced for prestress in serviceability limit state . 在正常使用状态下,预应力平抑了箱梁剪力滞效应。
- Application:For conveyance of petroleum,natural gas and other common liquid. 用途:用于石油、天然气输送以及其他一般流体输送。
- Insurance costs will be reduced for houses fitted with window locks. 窗户有锁的房子保险费用降低。
- Multi-objective fuzzy reliability optimum design of wheel-side reducer for loader. 关键词:装载机,轮边减速器,模糊可靠性,优化。
- The endurance limit is reduced for temperatures above room temperature. 温度高于室温,持久极限则降低。
- The gear reducer for high strength steel carburizing, carburizing hardening, low noise transmission. 减速器的轮为高强度渗碳钢,经渗碳淬火处理,传动噪音低。
- The mana cost will be reduced for both the summoned Warhorse and Charger. 召唤马的魔法消耗降低。
- The synthesis of AM/AMPS/DEDAAC/Starch graft copolymer filtrate reducer for mud and its property are described. 介绍了AM/AMPS/DEDAAC/淀粉接枝共聚物泥浆降滤失剂的合成方法,并对其性能进行了室内评价。
- The disablement rate was greatly reduced for those with large area deep burn. 结论:深度烧伤愈合创面,应用美比欧疤痕平预防和治疗增生性疤痕,应列为常规治疗。
- With sharp weapons for conveyance without authority to find fault with TV, talking to himself on television. 擅以犀利为武器,对电视剧指手画脚,对电视自言自语。
- Dosages are reduced for debilitated patients and for the geriatric population. 虚弱病人和老年病人适当减量。