- red side light 左舷灯
- It is introduced that new mathematical methods of linear programming among different types of military aircraft in airforce munitions between red side and blue side. 摘要空军武器装备系统,一般认为由飞机装备、雷达装备和防空武器装备三大部分组成。
- Slim front LED side lights sit above larger round driving lamps. 圆形前照灯比以前更大,其上是细长的前部LED示廓灯。
- Side lighting can be used to great effect to reveal form and texture. 侧光能很好地反映形状和纹理。
- The red side is wining. 红队现在领先。
- A red light is usually a signal of danger. 红灯通常是危险的信号。
- Then the red side investment high-speed mobility group, under many kinds of firepower supports, divides three groups to launch fast, drives to annihilate defense in depth it “the enemy”. 我陆军目前信息化程度很高的蓝军部队揭开神秘面纱。这是一支装备了我军新型坦克,在全军率先完成了主战装备的信息化改造,具备复杂电磁环境下作战能力的装甲劲旅。
- The dying fire was throwing out a dull red light. 将要熄灭的火发出暗红色的光。
- He wore big blue spectacles with side lights, and had a bushy whisker over his coatcollar. 他戴着一副很大,带有侧光的蓝眼镜,衣领往上是一片虬髯。
- green starboard side light of sportsboat 绿色右航灯
- The red light is a warning sign for stop. 红灯是警告停止行进的信号。
- Similar hose tests to be carried out for all windows, side lights, hatch covers, watertight doors, exits, erection closures and as elsewhere necessary. 相类似的冲水试验可以用到所有窗户;舷侧灯;舱盖;水密门;逃口;直立封闭处和其他需要的地方.
- headlight with main beam, dipped beam, side light 有强光、弱光、边灯的前灯
- A bright red welt rose on his arm. 他的手臂上起了明显的条状红肿。
- The light was red but the ambulance drove straight through. 红灯亮着,但救护车闯了过去。
- At night, ships at sea carry a red light on the port side and a green light on the starboard. 夜晚,海上的船亮起左舷的红灯和右舷的绿灯。
- He wore a red carnation in his buttonhole. 他的扣洞上了一朵红色康乃馨。
- Very nice picture taken with wide angle lens with great perspective. Early morning side lighting on the tram is beautiful. The undulating mountain with mist is also excellently captured. 此相用较广角镜捕捉到一幅很优美的景色,早上金色的测光非常优美,有晨雾的山峦起伏有趣。是一幅佳作。
- The boy is daubing a piece of paper with red ink. 那孩子正在用红墨水在纸上乱涂。
- Side lighting is generally attractive and is often used to great effect: it is the kind of lighting encountered at the beginning and end of the day and as such is often seen in films and photographs. 边点燃一般是有吸引力的,并且经常习惯于巨大的效应:这是开始遇到的这种照明和日子的末端并且因此经常被用电影和照片看见。