- red in heart and firm in will 心红志坚
- Broken in heart and numbed, he had nothing to hurry for. 他那时已经心神摧伤,知觉麻木,没有什么匆匆的必要。
- I will join in the project, heart and hand. 我会满腔热情地参加这项工程。
- Let there be magic in your smile and firmness in your handshake. 让你的笑容更光彩,让你的握手更坚定。
- He was small in stature but big in heart and determination. 他身材矮小,但心气和决心很大。
- The belief function is to adjust the needs in heart and to form a firm faith on laws. 信仰功能调整内心需要,坚定法律信念。
- The leadership must be clear-cut and firm in its opposition to factionalism. 对于派性,领导上要有个明确的态度,就是要坚决反对。
- Here words failed his lordship who went red in the face and said no more. 这位爵爷气得满脸通红,说不出话来,便不再说什么了。
- I will join in the project,heart and hand. 我会满腔热情地参加这项工程。
- God is mighty, but does not despise men; he is mighty, and firm in his purpose. 上帝有大能,并不藐视人;他的智慧甚广。
- Her heavy industry rests on a broad and firm base. 它的重工业有广泛坚实的基础。
- He is a man gentle in manner but firm in action. 他是一个举止文雅但行动坚决的人。
- He went home, dejected in heart. 他心情沮丧地回家去。
- The baby was screaming himself red in the face. 那小孩儿哭叫得脸都红了。
- She went red in the face and rushed out angrily. 她脸涨得通红,愤怒地冲了出去。
- That is to say, a smiler should be mentally sound, optimistic in mood and firm in faith. 这就是说,一个微笑应智健全,乐观的心情和坚定信念。
- Maple leaves glowed red in the sunlight. 枫叶在阳光里闪耀着红光。
- That small firm in a London suburb refused to sell out. 伦敦郊区的那家小商号拒绝出售自己的股份。
- I will do anything for you with a heart and a half. 我乐意为您做任何事情。
- In other words, standing tall and firm in Tadasana gives you the steadiness and foundation of a mountain. 换句话说,山式中挺拔而坚定的站立,让你感受到山峰的稳定与根基。