- The city was just a red glow on the horizon. 城市看上去只是地平线上的一片红光。
- Aside from the red glow, there is nothing to see out of the window. 透过舷窗向外望去,除了一片红光,什么也看不见。
- There was a dull red glow in the night sky above the steelworks. 夜晚炼钢厂的上空闪着暗红色的光。
- As the sun went down, the whole sky became suffused with a red glow. 当太阳落山的时候,天空呈现一片红色的霞光。
- When the electric stove is turned on, the burners give off a red glow. 电炉一点燃,炉心就发出炽热的红光。
- When the electric stove is turned on,the burners give off a red glow. 电炉一点燃,炉心就发出炽热的红光。
- When the electric stove is turned on, the burners giveoffa red glow. 电炉一点燃,炉心就发出炽热的红光。
- The red glow on his head gave it a sandy tinge and put a bright glint in his eye. 红色的灯光照在他的头上,头发变成了金黄色,眼睛也闪闪发亮。
- All lights black out. Suddenly music is heard,and a red glow rises behind the screen at right. 灯光熄灭。突然音乐声起,从右面幕布后升起一道红光。
- The sun was now below the horizon and the red glow at the rim of the world faded into pink. 这时太阳已经沉到地平线以下,大地边沿那片红霞已褪成了淡粉色的暮霭。
- All lights black out. Suddenly music is heard, and a red glow rises behind the screen at right. 灯光熄灭。突然音乐声起,从右面幕布后升起一道红光。
- A silence supreme and altogetIT European.Shutters drawn, shops barred.A red glow ITe and tITe to mark a tryst. 这是一种超然的、全然欧洲式的静寂,百叶窗放下了,店铺闩上了,那里或那里偶尔可见一盏红灯,表明有人在幽会。
- The flare had burst behind her, lighting the whole area with its fiery red glow. 烈火在她身后燃烧,炽热、通红的火光照亮了整个地区。
- The Horsehead nebula appears as a dark cloud a small silhouette notched against the long red glow at the lower left. 马头星云看上去是一团黑暗的云气,是左下角长长的红色辉光内一个较小的轮廓。
- From the eaves of the front gateway, the large lanterns still shone with a hazy red glow that shimmered in the cold air. 大门口,门檐下的灯笼依旧发出朦胧的红光,在寒冷的空气中抖着。
- Mountain camellia of Yunnan, spend the big color gorgeous, a stub that have blooms ten thousand, in imposing array, the red glow at sunset one. 云南山茶花,花大色艳,有的一株盛开万朵,如火如荼,红霞一片。
- A red glow hung near the summit and an occasional minor explosion created a king-size fireworks display from the crater. 山顶附近闪烁的红光和偶尔发生的小爆炸,构成从火山口放出的特大焰火。
- He was shocked to see a pale red glow in the sky to the east, a glow that was slowly spreading, accompanied by occasional sparks shooting heavenward. 他吃惊地看见天空中东边的一角直冒着淡红光,而且逐渐在扩大,火星不时在红光里飞。
- Intense ultraviolet radiation from the luminous, massive stars ionizes the surrounding gas and ultimately produces the characteristic red glow. 强烈的紫外线辐射的发光,巨大的恒星周围的气体电离,并最终产生的红色发光的特性。
- As he came under the pale red glow of the flickering neon, he saw the man, walking slowly across the street from the railway tracks. 当他来到闪烁的发出暗红光的霓虹灯下时,他看见了那个人在街对面的火车道上慢慢地走着。