- If his friends talked about girls, he went as red as beetroot. 当他的朋友们谈论女孩时,他的脸便红得像甜菜根似的。
- He went as red as a beetroot when I asked about his new girl-friend. 我问起他那新女友,他就满脸通红。
- A bright red welt rose on his arm. 他的手臂上起了明显的条状红肿。
- Keywords red beetroot;pigment;physical and chemical properties;physiological function;extraction and purification;application; 红甜菜;色素;理化性质;生理功能;提取与纯化;应用;
- A red light is usually a signal of danger. 红灯通常是危险的信号。
- She turned as red as a beetroot when they befouled her reputation. 他们污蔑她时,她满脸绯红。
- He wore a red carnation in his buttonhole. 他的扣洞上了一朵红色康乃馨。
- The boy is daubing a piece of paper with red ink. 那孩子正在用红墨水在纸上乱涂。
- He pulled a red sweater on over his shirt. 他在衬衣外面套上了一件红色毛衣。
- Keep on go till you come to a red brick building. 一直往前走直到一座红砖楼为止。
- The land is laid down with red or white clover. 这块土地种上了红花和白花苜蓿。
- Everyone at the rally wore red ribbons as favours. 参加集会的人都系著红丝带作为支持大会的标记。
- Her criticisms were enough to make anyone see red. 她那些批评任谁都得火冒三丈。
- I have a red tracksuit with fleecy lining. 我有一件红色的有羊毛衬里的运动服。
- How much money are you riding on the red horse? 你在那匹红马身上押了多少钱?
- How much red ink is there in the ink-pot? 墨水瓶里有多少红墨水?
- A red pencil-mark on the fifth page caught his eye. 在第5页上一个红铅笔记号引起了他的注意。
- The application has been held up by red tape. 申请被官僚的繁文缛节所耽搁。
- The dying fire was throwing out a dull red light. 将要熄灭的火发出暗红色的光。
- The Red Cross dealt out food to hungry soldiers. 红十字会把食物分发给饥饿的士兵。