- It teaches you correct grammr, structure and usage. 它会教你正确的文法、结构和用法。
- We must master both grammar and usage to write good English. 我们必须精通文法兴惯用法以便写出好的英文。
- recycle and usage 回收利用
- VI Design and Usage of PICC Property and Casualty Company Ltd. 中国人保寿险有限公司VI设计的应用。
- It's a book of English phonetics, grammar and usage in one. 这是一本英语语音、法和习惯用语结合为一体的书。
- AQUARIUS: organizes your piles of junk into charity, recycle and compost. 水瓶座人变废为宝,懂得如何回收和利用垃圾。
- The OED is the definitive work on the history and usage of English. 牛津词典是英文历史及用法的权威著作。
- Environment Policy: Abid by law, reduce pollution, recycle and save resources. 环境方针:遵守法规,减少污染,循环利用,节约资源。
- It is a book of English phonetics, grammar and usage all in one. 这是一本英语语音,语法和习惯用法合为一体的著作。
- Describes the expected value and usage of the literal. 描述文本所需的值和用法。
- It's a book of English phonetics, grammar and usage in one. 这是一本英语语音、语法和习惯用语结合为一体的书。
- To understand the meaning and usage of simple past tense. 理解一般过去时的意义和用法,能运用描述过去的事情。
- The principle, selection and usage of the rubber dampening pad f. 介绍了橡胶减振垫在球磨机降噪中的原理、选用原则及应用情况。
- Specifies the color and usage of an entry in a logical palette. 指定逻辑调色板中某项的颜色和用法。
- It's a Book of English phonetics,grammar and usage in one. 这是一本英语语音、语法和习惯用语结合为一体的书。
- It is a book of English phonetics,grammar and usage all in one. 这是一本集英语语音、语法和习惯用法于一体的书。
- Recently the recycle and reuse of waste plastic is very important as resource. 塑料的回收利用是近些年来再生资源研究的一个非常重要的方向。
- Try to grasp the word-formation and usage of adverbs. 初步掌握副词的构成方式以及使用方法。
- It’s a book of English phonetics, grammer, and usage in one. 这是一本英语语音、语法和习惯用法的综合性著作。
- Recycling and waste - disposal of F. L. 荧光灯的再生循环和废料处理