- The welding technic on the rectifier diode connection to improve reliability. 元件板二极管的焊点采用熔焊技术,增加可靠性。
- The welding technic on the rectifier diode connection for improving reliability. 元件板二极管的焊点采用熔焊技术,增加可靠性。
- To reform planing machine made in home,using rectifier bridge,which is mainly consisted of rectifier diode,to replace of directcurrent exciter in Shiheng special steel works. 石横特钢厂采用以整流二级管为主体的整流桥代替直流励磁发电机改造国产龙门刨床。
- Based on the analysis on test data from surge countercurrent of avalanche rectifier diode,the author puts forward the way to select such diode for alternator and the points for attention in use. 通过对雪崩整流二极管反向浪涌电流的测试数据的分析,提出在交流发电机中选择雪崩整流二极管的方法与使用中的注意事项。
- high-temperature rectifier diode 高温整流二极管
- Schottky barrier double rectifier diode 萧特基势垒双整流二极管
- Selection and Use of Avalanche Rectifier Diode 雪崩整流二极管的选择与使用
- controlled avalanche rectifier diode 可控雪崩整流二极管
- The method is applicable for phase control thyristors and rectifier diodes and features higher accuracy. 该方法适用于普通相控晶闸管和二极管的吸收电路参数设计,有较高的精度。
- And the output rectifier diodes can commutate naturally, avoiding voltage oscillation and voltage spike caused by the reverse flow of primary current. 输出整流管能够自然换流,避免了反向恢复造成的电压振荡和电压尖峰。
- The various applications and features are described of gate-source parasitic capacitance with synchronous rectifier diodes in the realization of actuating rectifier. 阐述了同步整流管的栅源寄生电容在实现整流器件驱动中的不同应用及其特点,并给出了应用实例分析。
- A diode used in this manner is called a rectifier. 按这种方式使用的二极管叫做整流管。
- It is not allowed to check the insulation performance of the generator by 220V AC voltage or a megohmmeter, otherwise the rectified diode may be penetrated and damaged by too high voltage. 不许用220V交流电压或兆欧表来检查发电机的绝缘性能,否则会因电压过高使整流二极管击穿损坏。
- Introducing a resonant inductance and two clamping diodes into the full-bridge converter can widen the load range of ZVS and eliminate the voltage oscillation across the rectifier diodes. 在全桥变换器中引入谐振电感和钳位二极管,可以使开关管在较宽的负载范围内实现零电压开关,并且消除输出整流二极管上的电压尖峰。
- Referring to high frequency switching power supply, the power losses mainly concentrate on the rectifier diodes in the secondary side and the MOSFET in the primary side during turn-on and turn-off. 对于高频切换式电源转换器来说,功?损耗大部分集中在二次侧二极体整?器以及一次侧功?晶体导通和截止之切换期间。
- However,there exists a problem of this kind of converter,that the output rectifier diodes suffer the parasitic oscillation and voltage spike resulted by the reverse recovery of the rectifier diodes. 移相全桥零电压变换器是中大功率直直变换场合的理想拓扑之一,但在其输出整流二极管反向恢复时,整流桥产生寄生振荡,二极管上存在很高的尖峰电压。
- A diode is used as a rectifier. 二极管用作整流器。
- A two-terminal semiconductor device used chiefly as a rectifier. 半导体二极管主要作为整流器使用的一个有两端的半导体设备
- A diode rectifies alternating current. 二极管调整交流电。
- The current flows in one direction in a diode. 电流在二极管中只朝单方向流动。